I would so love if The Game were making a George Eliot reference.
I would so love if The Game were making a George Eliot reference.
What does “Floss On The Gram” mean? Before you yell at me for being lazy and not Googling for myself, I did Google, and there were only a couple references, the context of which did not help me understand.
I’ve never seen anything as stiff or unnatural as that football one, but then again, I’ve never used Viagra so what do I know?
You’re advice is not much better than my approach, which was just poking them gently on the cheek and then saying, “I think we need to go inside somewhere.”
Say, hypothetically, you’re watching a small child with skin like yours. It’s hot and sunny out and there s a lot of running around. How do you tell if the kid’s sunscreen is sweating off and the child is getting burnt vs. the kid’s cheeks are just flushed from physical activity?
“And wouldn’t it be nice if Japanese grooms were able to learn a lesson from that 4 percent who are ahead of the curve—and joined their wives’ koseki, and took their goddamn last names?”
“The JTC also seems unamused that when Gorcyca referred to the Manson cult in reference to the children she made “circular motions at her right temple,” the common offensive gestural shorthand for “crazy.” In an October letter to the Commission, Gorcyca claimed that the circular motion she made “was referring to the…
Right? It's like whenever I undertake these death defying stunts I keep having to defy death.
Thank you. Of course, instead of doubting what I read, I was generating convoluted theories that 9 to 5 was some vintage tune that they, many years later, decided to build a whole movie around, like that Tommy Broadway musical.
As a kid, I considered this catalog a can’t miss source of inspiration for Christmas gifts for my mom. I could close my eyes and throw a dart and come up with something genius like a trivet set depicting a cartoon house in each of the four seasons. Reader, I bought that trivet set and my long suffering mother…
Back in the day, I may or may not have worn a pair of palazzo pants until they were transparent.
What makes them stay up?
Fleece tights? I’ve never seen such a thing. Color me intrigued.
Let me pester you, well meaning stranger, with a multitude of follow up questions. I’ve never had a sweater dress. Are they flattering? Do they keep their shape? Do they require dry cleaning? Do they have to be high quality in order to look good and last? Knit dresses can be pretty cheap and still check all the boxes.…
Looking for ideas. I need a winter wardrobe solution. In the summer, I’ve discovered my perfect clothing option: knit dresses. It feels like wearing pajamas, but it looks like you’ve made an effort. What is the winter equivalent? Going from my knit dresses to jeans is bumming me out. Again, the goal is to feel like…
Phills says he was subjected to harassment “because of his race, gender and marital status.” Was he subjected to harrassment because he was a black man who was married or because he was a black man who was married to the lady the dean wanted to bonk? The latter would be a protected class of one.
I prefer no apology over the “sorry you were offended” apology. If you think you’ve done nothing wrong, don’t “apologize.” Everybody loses with that kind of response.
In my opinion, he legit looks 12 years older than in Love Actually. Mostly because I thought he looked like a 4 year old then and 16 now. When I first starting putting together what his character’s storyline was in Love Actually, I thought it was pretty icky that there were setting up a romance for a 4 year old.