
For budget reasons, I don't have a texting plan (and all my relatives/friends know it, mostly because they also do not). I also habitually screen my calls (I've had this number for a number of years, but I still get a ton of wrong numbers on it). As a result, email and voicemail are the only ways to leave a message

I believe J Dub was referring to having the bootloader be unlocked, rather than the ability to use the phone on multiple carriers.

Is your debit card also able to be used as a credit card (mine counts as a Visa as an example)? I've set myself a strict limit, only one real credit card (and of course, the debit card) and I made sure both were different companies (so, I could go Discover, MC, AmEx for the other). It does help, since usually if one

You never chase an animal that is already freaked out. It increases its "fight or flight" response and is more likely to run away from you (or, depending on personality, all of a sudden its a new game called keep away).

Empty the drawer out, wipe it down with plain white vinegar and let it sit and dry. See if the smell comes back.

If you want to learn to be more efficient, keep your current job and switch your hours. Working a 2nd or 3rd shift (aka when a good chunk of the population is asleep and stores are closed), will definitely force you to adjust how you do things. Having to adjust that you only have a small window to contact people

As someone with a bad allergy to dust mites (aka instant migraine), my whites, towels and bed linens are all wawshed in extremely hot water and it would take me a lot to stop that practice. Colors/delicates can be washed in cold/warm water.

The problem only arises when you assume that public users can be trusted.

The Disk Cleanup utility is something I use all the time, especially since I can throw it into a batch file along with other commands for cleaning up (defrag, AV scans, etc).

That would be the "clever hanger trick" mentioned in the article ;-)

Nope, not me. I have the same problem though.

Currently, Honeycomb is tablet-only. And Gingerbread, while it will run on a phone, it won't be ideal. ICS will mean that if installed on a tablet, it'll be more of a tablet layout and if on a phone, will be more of a phone layout. At least, thats the impression I'm getting. I don't really know anymore than that

Don't forget the Delicious debacle.

Come visit us here in the Midwest! 100F just 2 days ago and lucky to hit 70F today.

I worked yesterday and today, so working more of this week would just be same ole' same ole' (and the result of having only 2 people working the same job and shift).

I was in a similar boat, but I've recently started putting interesting recipes I've found online into Evernote (previously, I just had them bookmarked in pinboard) and now that I'm about to move, I've been putting wishlists together of items to get/where to live/etc in Evernote as well. I just keep Simplenote for

VOTE: Evernote (for multimedia)