
Whoops, missed that one (can I blame that on numbness?).

2 typos? "altering them that" rather than alerting and "but it is know that those" missed the n at the end of known

Alternatively, just being on the desktop with nothing else open is unlikely to cause an issue when wiping it down, since the keyboard shortcuts that can cause problems are on opposite ends of the keyboard.

Minor problem with that, Google already released a phone to show off the capabilities of Gingerbread... last year. They generally are trying to make the Nexus line of phones be the flagship for each iteration of the OS, so the Prime is widely believed to be the first phone that will run Ice Cream Sandwich, the next

Didn't feel a thing here in SW Ohio.

"Ask the customer what he's got before you send Johnny Cablequest over to his pad." Wait, the people who have no tech knowledge and will blatantly lie if it'll get them what they want faster? A cable company is supposed to trust that information to be accurate?!

Considering the Transformer has outsold all other tablets other than the iPad (and oddly, a lot of tech news sites like to pretend it doesn'tmost of the time)?

Considering they'd contacted local meteorologists 4 times prior to the collapse, the weather was being watched.

So, this is basically Stylish then?

One thing that this article did not mention, he was born without any fibulas.

I ONLY listen the CDs in my car, because I keep my music in the cloud and not cluttering up my phone's storage, so I'd be annoyed at this. Plus, I haven't used my iPod Nano in ages to the point of wondering if battery acid has started leaking out of it, so a connection port for an iOS device is useless for me, nor

Interestingly, I did something similar to this when in college (after having classes back to back my freshman year) and definitely noticed that it was better for me (no rushing to class, plenty of time to enjoy any good weather or get a headstart on homework, swap out books in backpack, etc).

The problem is the amount of power that the charger puts out (and then how much power each device requires to actually get charged). The Asus Transformer requires 15V of power to do a decent charge, so it only trickle charges from a USB outlet (and standard adapters have the same problem). The TF actually requires

Our dog does not have a squeaky toy, or any toys really. We've tried giving him some, but he completely ignores them (and gives us a WTF look at the same time). However, he's also not even interested in leaving the yard because he always gets a treat when he comes back in.

Apparently, yes, its different :/ When on an artist page, the right-most tab is related artists.

I agree with you but I do see one situation where something like this would be nice, waterpark or gym.

I'm being cynical here, but judging by the recent lawsuits (and the fact that some patents are being invalidated during the process), I'm guessing the USPTO is terrible at finding prior art when granting a patent.

On top of that, when someone signs up for a new account on Netflix, they're automatically enrolled in the streaming-only plan (or were 2 months ago when I signed up).


Its already on Shapeways: [www.shapeways.com] (and was linked from the homepage of Veneridesign too).