
The only way I could see this happening in a kitchen, is if someone already has a rustic/shabby chic/rusted vibe going on. Even then, I'd hope they'd have scrubbed off all the rust before putting anything that will be used in cooking near it.

Is that ISO noise or is that pollution?

Would this work on granite?

a dish race or a dish rack?

I use RSS to follow several websites via Google Reader, plus I have another set of sites (ones I'm more interested in skimming headlines, so various news and tech media sites) that I have aggregated as one super-feed for my Chrome start page.

Meh, automate that (disk cleaner can be run via batch file, or one of the other thousands of "cleaner" tools).

I have a full head of hair, so can't answer that one. I was actually thinking of legs/armpits in my original statement.

Are you rubbing your hands onto the utensils/pans or are you using a dishrag? Personally, I just lather up, rub down my kitchen faucet and rinse. Smell is gone and faucet stays clean.

Even easier, ctrl+a and then hit the del key. No clicking needed ;-)

Hey now, some of us use razor blades for other parts of the body than the face.

My method is almost foolproof. Use frozen bread and start with a cold pan, otherwise cook like normal (no butter in pan, butter on bread). By the time the pan's warmed up, the first side is done and the second time takes next to no time. Since it takes awhile with the cold pan and frozen bread to toast the bread, the

I'm currently a consultant (1.5 years now), and am hoping to be hired on permanently this month. Actually, looking back on my jobs (including college), I've mostly worked 18 months before I switch to a new (better paying) position that is also higher up the ladder. The only time I didn't was at a job that the career

I never got CatBlock in my AdBlock. Is it a Firefox thing or did Chrome get it too?

Interestingly, thats what I get here in Ohio on Chrome. Switched to IETab and got what appears to be a black hole.

From various reports, the breach appears to be late Jan - late Feb. So, it sounds like yours was indeed affected.

Now that you mention it, I probably was incredibly dumb for taking the SAT 3x during the course of my school career (7th grade, 9th grade when they changed scoring, and for real in 10th or 11th grades), and I also took the ACT (thankfully, only once on that). Amusingly, I did well enough on the ACT (not SAT) in the

Due to differences in pay period between my employer and where I work (I'm a contractor), I actually work a 32 hour week one week and a 48 hour week the next (hours do fluctuate if OT is needed and the difference is whether I work a weekend or not). So, I average a 40 hour week, but have not actually worked a 40 hour

Sadly, I'm horribly underpaid (and since my company actually publishes a salary guide, they even show that I'm underpaid, BLS agrees too). However, I'm a contract employee and where I'm contracted to has been talking about hiring me on permanently, at double my current salary. Its not just me, its my entire team

The only time I use my fog lights is in actual fog and when it is raining (or when it has rained and I'm driving home at night, the better to see the puddles).

Exactly! I work second shift so driving at night is normal for me and its much more peaceful than trying to fight rush hour traffic. You can just set your cruise to whatever speed and just go.