
“Stick is candy!”

Bears are giant dogs in the same way tigers are giant tabby cats. I’m sure science will back me up on this one.

There is way too much sports talk diluting this website’s content. Please stick to dogs.

If anyone wants to hit up ole’ Jimmy Spanny himself and ask him what the fuck is going on, here’s his number! 917-881-5965

“Stick to candy!”

This must happen.

I’m 100 percent in support of the entire Giz family resigning and creating their own independent publication free from Great Hill’s bullshit, and would do everything I could to help out. And a paywall would totally be worth it if it keeps everyone safe from vulture capitalists.

We need to get this to be the first result that comes up when you search Spanfeller, G/O, etc. Someone smarter than me: how do we achieve this?

What else are you going to do?  Work?  

Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.


Does the dog know his name is Pretzelcoatl?


Just wishing all of you the best. This situation sucks, your management sucks even worse, and I hope all the staff makes it through to the other side at a place where you’re actually appreciated.

It won’t get shut down but it will be dead, as far as we know it anyway. Probably by this afternoon.

I don’t have much to say about this other than fuck Spanfeller, man. A dark day for journalism

Goddamn it, Spanfeller, you actual fucking idiot.

I was there in April of this year. That dog from the pyramids has a name and it is Preztelcoatl. But you are correct that it is indeed a good dog.

Can confirm. These certainly appear to be three very good dogs.