These character deaths are just becoming monotonous. Oh wait, there's only one grown adult in the group, and he's played by Gaeta? I wonder what happens to him?!
These character deaths are just becoming monotonous. Oh wait, there's only one grown adult in the group, and he's played by Gaeta? I wonder what happens to him?!
I think the best part of this episode was the grumpy detective investigating the Irish massacre.
"Where's this asshole's hand" was delivered so perfectly!
Some exploration of Farm Station's misfortunes would've also done wonders for the audience.
Season 2 kept showing the Crash pad, the scorched bodies and graves of the hundred to bring that emotional connection, but there's nothing for Farm Station. All of that tragedy is explained second-hand, and not even really…
The pacing really is too quick. I should be sympathizing with the people who crash-landed on Earth, only to have most of their people killed off by Grounder Vane's people, but I just hate them.
At least give me a scene with Monty and his mom mourning his father, with her promising she would do anything to protect him.
I don't really want to buy into this thinking because I really love this show, but Simone's confirmed fate actually supports it more so. The waste of her character, and how her father's abuse was just swept under the rug is really baffling to me
Great episode, the only things I have a problem with are how they wasted Simone's character and the disturbing lack of Nick Offerman
If you build him right and train him as a Jedi at an early level, he can win, Sion just go back up again when he leaves
Couldn't you at least… listen to her words?
I think it's more likely at this point because the promo for the next episode had Michael staring down at something in wonder and I think that is a red herring
"Basically… out of all the ridiculous religion stories which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous—the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah… there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause… just 'cause'. That, to me, is the most ridiculous…
Look at youtube for a Sam Seder video and scroll down, and you'll see that Progressives can be just as vicious as conservatives
It seems we see what we want to see
Well at least you don't just shout "Libretardian" at them, that's a disturbingly popular phrase amongst supposedly Progressive people
She actually did murder her
I know that, he was talking about testudo. They were relatively close together, and when there were fewer of them they couldn't maintain a shield wall against the Sons coming from all sides
That's very true b/c they're infantry
The irony is that BOTH characters are supposed to lack charisma, when Dillane has it coming out of his ears
I don't think it goes so far as 300. Infantry formations aren't easy in alleyways and streets, but I think that speaks more to Dany mistakenly making the Unsullied into police. Its her failure, not the soldiers
Sorry, Dragonstone was what I meant, that had a populace loyal to the Targaryens if I recall correctly, and ruling it was a job for Stannis rather than the Renly who was a child at the time
I think he's great where he is, and both of them have great chemistry together