Dr. Harold N. Bornstein

China white

The Avclub:
Irritating and Bland since the Format Change!

Whoa! Tellin it like it is!

Nothing says "diversity" like a wealthy white woman married to the establishment.

Maz Kanata "came to life"? What movie were you watching? The cantina reboot scene in Force Awakens was terrible. The CGI characters were jarring on screen. They just stuck out like a sore thumb.

Hands downs, without a doubt, Rhea fucking Perlman in The Mindy Project. Danny's mother is a bag o shit. And as you see Danny become more and more like his ma in Season 3, it just makes you dislike her even more.

That poster is amazing.

I wonder how many pounds he gained before he said fuck it.

Beef cake! BEEF CAKE!!!

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There ain't nothin like a decent Mania.

Has anyone ever seen his movie Terminal City Ricochet? Don't.

Well that just sounds like crazy talk when you consider the prequels. But I never watched 2 and 3. (Because 1 was such garbage).

Fair enough Mr. Rabble Rouser, maybe I came across like a dick "just a little bit, just a little bit". But for the record I've never taken a film studies class, and I didn't say anything about "uneducated plebeians". I was just comparing moviegoing nerds that are obsessed with Star Wars mythology (which I'm not) and

It's a mixed bag. Star Wars nerds defend it. Movies buffs, on the other hand, aren't blinded by superficial considerations like Abrams' loyalty to Lucas' mythology.

To be fair, Kylo was shot by Chewie's bow caster and the movie did go out of its way to emphasize how powerful that weapon is. (See the battle after the destruction of the potato lady's shitty cantina where Han is remarking how much he loves using it).

****Star Wars spoilers!!***

Her acting was pretty stiff.

oscar isaac was underutilized. A wasted opportunity.

The "cantina" scene was absolute shit. It was one of the many scenes in the movie that felt like a pointless nostalgia-trip. Which would have been somewhat tolerable if there was even an ounce of originality or inspiration in how they executed it. It was such a great chance to create a whole eclectic cast of crazy