Dr. Harold N. Bornstein

I agree 100% with almost everything point you made. It's eerie how this is almost an exact replica of every point I've raised since watching it last week. It makes me realize how glaringly obvious the film's flaws are. As a result, I wonder why JJ Abrams and the Disney machine could have been so blind to such glaring

I saw Viet Cong in Toronto a few weeks ago and this hashtag weeny protest showed up outside with signs saying "VIET CONG IS RACIST". When the show was over the protest was gone but they left all their signs scattered on the sidewalk in a show of solidarity against city cleanup crews.

How is there no mention of Black Sabbath's War Pigs in the Season 2 finale?!? The use of that song was brilliant. The way that song transitioned the mood of Betsy Solverson's soliloquoy (coupled with the montage) from elegaic to total confusion in the face of madness and violence was absolute perfection.