It’s always sad to come across people who feel the need to insult other people... that’s one reason there’s so much trouble in this world.
It’s always sad to come across people who feel the need to insult other people... that’s one reason there’s so much trouble in this world.
Are you...fat-shaming an 11-year-old right now?
I feel so goddamn sorry for that child.
Why couldn’t have Mama June focused her efforts on teaching her daughter a lifestyle of healthy eating choices rather than getting hot through surgery?
Fun fact: she admits that she wants to be “hot” (which is, of course, a matter of perspective) in order to crash her ex’s wedding to another woman to make him regret breaking up with her. Seriously. Not health or anything even remotely noble - just to “show up” your ex’s new wife. She just keeps finding new ways to…
I honestly thought she was that one Playboy Playmate with the cheating husband and annoying laugh for a minute in the first picture.
I get it all the time, and I’m always like “what am I looking at that makes the internet think I want to know this stuff?!”
did you see who we made president or
Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.
Did they do anything to fix her abrasive personality, terrible parenting, or lack of remorse for letting her daughter be preyed upon by a pedophile?
I mean, she looks great, but it’s flat-out bizarre that somebody who intentionally enabled child abuse gets to have a reality show about how hot (or not) she is.
And if they don’t like it, they should just go work at a private school. All schools should be private and run by the churches anyways.
Thornton might not be as physically attractive as Pitt and he certainly has a suspect relationship history but I think he’s smarter than Pitt. Lust fades.
The scary thing is, the NSA knows exactly what they said in those conversations. Which of these things is worse:
Don’t forget, Trump says the leaks are happening but they also claims they’re non-existent leaks made up by the media. Schrodinger’s Leaks.
Something else just occurred to me, if the Russian ambassador guy recorded their entire conversation (in which they definitely discussed the 2016 election), the Russians now have blackmail material on Sessions. Just one more compromised GOP in the White House.
Annnnd...he had no problems with the leaks when they made Hillary and the DNC look bad. I guess he didn’t realize that leaks don’t always go one way.
Yup, Trump’s right. The real problem here is the leaks. Not the attorney general who lied under oath to get into office. Not the fact that this is the *second* person in Trump’s administration with dubious communications with Russia during Trump’s campaign. Nope. It’s not the conflicts of interest or the broken laws.…
and remember, the only difference between the two of them? he had thousands of supporters.