Because child abuse is funny to you? Because it was so bad she got to adopt her brother?
Because child abuse is funny to you? Because it was so bad she got to adopt her brother?
If I lived the way my ancestors lived, I’d be eating way too much boiled cabbage. Boiled everything. Bleh. Thank goodness for cultural diversity. And technology.
This is so dumb. If she’d just stuck with the “$50 is too little for 4 folks and 2 pets during the season” bit she’d be an asshole, and in breach of the contract, but she wouldn’t have had to delete herself off the internet. Just goes to show, it doesn’t take brains to make money off of real estate.
Genetic diversity is what makes a population vibrant and healthy. Cultural diversity works the same way. That’s why the word “meme” was invented, not to describe stupid internet jokes, but to examine how culture can propagate, change, recombine, just like genes. A stagnant culture, bereft of a variety of influences,…
A normal candidate during the campaign, upon discovering that he was being idolized by racists, would’ve said:
This is an open and shut discrimination case, right? I mean not that I’m vindictive or anything but at the very least this racist shithead should be sued hard enough to bounce when she hits bottom.
You know how you “Make America Great Again”?
I don’t get this racist shitbag’s comment about the renter “wanting something for nothing.” I’ve used Airbnb, and you PAY IN ADVANCE. So the racist shitbag has already been paid for the space. WTF?
Besides being a racist and all-around terrible person, Tami is also dumb as hell. Airbnb can be a great money maker for very little effort, this dipshit just flushed all that to yell hurr durr trump! at a college student. And a law student at that. Way to go, Tami.
He doesn’t deserve capitals. When he acts like a big boy, he’ll get big boy letters.
Well, racism itself is stupid, so it’s fostered by exclusively stupid people. A vicious cycle, really.
*Native population looks into the camera like they’re on The Office*
Hahah she seems to have deleted all of her online profiles. Guess someone couldn’t deal with people being angry about her raging racism!
A racist Trump supporter ?
“I would like to take this opportunity to loudly denounce racism in any form. This is the United States of America, a country built by immigrants, and we cherish and celebrate people of all ethnicities and creeds. Anybody who believes my presidency is an excuse for abhorrent behavior is mistaken.”
They cannot be shamed back into submission
This awful. And, of course, that deplorable’s name is Tami.
I just hope we keep outing these idiots, shame them back into submission
“And I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners.”