
Not to mince words: Wayne LaPierre is the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the American right-wing, running an organized group trading in religious and political rhetoric to create terror and death in order to move a political agenda. He is this country’s most dangerous terrorist leader, and he holds almost unprecedented sway

Memo to cable news: Right now IS the moment to politicize the “gun control debate.” And nobody wants to hear “the other side” of the argument from this venal sociopath today:

Labor owning the means of production?!?!?!? You hush your godless Commie mouth!

That plan would place social good above the maximized profits of the investors. America doesn’t work that way.

Question of the day: Why do people give such shit to Hillary saying it was a “MASSIVE MISTAKE” to refer to racists and sexist pieces of shits as a “basket of deplorables” but Trump can call Kim Jon-un short and fat etc and all the other insane shit he says but since he says so much of it people don’t even care?

Joe & Megyn should check their facts. Hillary Clinton did go to those states. And she had a clear message. She states her campaign’s data showed that they were covered in Wisconsin, but if she found out they weren’t she would have been there more.

It was and is crazy how much Louis C.K. fans were willing to be completely awful and say horrible shit to anyone who suggested he wasn’t perfect. I think part of it was that his stand up made a lot of references to how men treat women terribly so his fans were in general people who consider themselves progressive and

its not that hard to imagine these women would want to discuss such a serious accusation with a more “reputable” institution like NY Times or Washington Post. Jezebel (and the now dead Gawker media) were not necessarily known for their serious journalism. i’m sure a blog doesn’t carry the same weight as a long and

That’s what I like too. This is the only place I make a point of reading the comments. I can genuinely say a lot of what I believe today has been in part shaped by reading the experiences and thoughts of other women here.

“The call for more rumors itself lends credibility to a story that had none at the time.”

So you’re going to act oblivious to the fact that Jez didn’t make these rumors up and wasn’t the first who posted one? The victims didn’t want to put their names to their accounts but they were nonetheless talking. That talk was newsworthy in and of itself. Jez claimed there were rumors because there were rumors.

From where I’m seated (in my high-handed positions of judging journalistic ethics and integrity), having hard evidence and sources willing to go on the record both lends more credibility to the reporting and shields the victims. I’m not saying that Jezebel did something horribly wrong, but being willing to publish

You used the word unfounded a lot. I am not going to go all Princess Bride here, but if there’s one thing we learned, it’s that the NYT article put to rest the idea that the rumors were unfounded.

I don’t have a problem with putting out an article saying that these were just rumors so far and asking for information. That is responsible, even if another publication ended up with the story.

I will not condemn a man on rumor alone.

I’ve come to a point where I have decided to believe ALL rumors of sexual assault and harassment. I’d rather side with a victim and be proved wrong than leap to the defense of a predator in the name of lofty ideals like “fairness”, thereby making it more difficult for women to come forward. There is nothing fair about


I was just reminded that Christopher Plummer is the only Chris worth fawning over.

I ran across this Bertrand Russell letter today via Brain Pickings. I think it sums up the only attitude I can take with Trump Supporters anymore:

If you can stomach it, this Politico piece on how Trump’s base in PA feels about him now is worth reading just to illustrate how disconnected from reality these people are. It’s worse than even the caricatures of them suggest. There are plenty of jaw-dropping passages, but this one jumped out at me.