
but it hardly stands to reason that director Amy Berg, who’s been nominated for an Oscar, would risk her reputation as a documentarian by aiding in the concoction of such a thorough conspiracy.

Honestly I’m disappointed in Jezebel that you continue to exploit an adoptive, disabled child who’s been through shit by willingly not following up on the full story, and instead going with the Daily Mail clickbait. There were enough legit sources of info in the comment sections last time that you can’t claim

This reminds me of when Wall Street collectively ass raped the whole fuckin’ country and we got so mad about it we locked up Martha Stewart.

De Blasio running.  When the democratic debates happen, I hope that they carve out the “bland old white guys” into their separate debate so that they don’t take oxygen from the candidates that people actually want to hear from.

You don’t collude with your pets.

I think the word you’re looking for is affected. 

Breathy. Overly aspitrately/Vibratotoness...

Eminem just doesn’t understand Lil Yachty because he’s so god damn old,

Ok, William! If that’s the story you want to put out, we’ll believe it!

I wish I could file that under reasons US tipping culture should be eliminated, but you have provided no reasons other than you are a cheapass. I don’t like this idea that EVERYONE should pay a 20% tip knowing families struggle to have experiences outside the home, but you just sound like a really mean hole. It may

Morality and legality are two separate things. Are you really an adult in 2019 and don’t understand this? Apologies if you’re actually 14.

If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to eat out.

Yeah, I do the same thing, then round up to make the total a whole number. So in your example, it’d be $20.02->$20.90 so that the total was $121.00, although I like round multiples so in most cases I’d probably round to $24.90 so that the total is $125, which is a nice pleasing total and also the cube of 5.

Agreed. It’s a travesty that America (and pretty much uniquely America) evolved to the point where customers are expected to pay the worker’s wages since employers are legally allowed to underpay them. It’s not a tip if it’s required. Why don’t you up your prices and just pay your employees a living wage directly?

You are not. When I was younger it was 10% tip. I still tip 20% (most of the time) but I am now a positive campaigner for wage reform in the industry. Our waitstaff and vendors deserve a genuinely living wage, and we deserve to not have to tip to make up for crooked bosses. Until that day though...

Wait, not drinking at baby showers is a thing? Everyone but me drank at mine!

I hate going into stores and shopping, so I use Amazon.

This has been an issue with Amazon for a while. They used to be meticulous about making sure all their products were authentic, but now they’re as bad as eBay when it comes to knockoffs, counterfeits and stolen products. I’m glad they’re finally doing something about it because I’m sick of seeing the fake stuff when I

The Kardashians probably think it’s gauche to pass down clothes and stuff from older kids to younger. They probably think it’s gauche to reuse clothes all together. I wonder what the Kardashians’ carbon foot print is?

Just gonna leave these here: