
My 15 year old nephew says “ye” (pronounced “yeeeuh”, don't know if he's nailed it yet). It both entertains and annoys me at the same time (but obvs I’m an old). I totally read that in his Senegalese-Canadian middle-class-mixed-family-exploring-identity puberty-cracked voice and snort laughed...

It’s tip inflation - it’s not like their salaries have kept up with the cost of living (nevermind provided a living wage in the first place), so yeah, customers have to cover more so that industry can go on stiffing it’s workers :/

100 % And I say that as someone who hated Jagged Little Pill from the day it was released (I was 24 and mostly excited about all the shades of electronica that were out there in the late 90s). Don't shit on what other people enjoy just because you have an "opinion" about it...

Oh no, NIN can stay - along with Massive Attack and Portishead!!

I feel like I missed out on a moment. I was a 24 yr old Canadian living in Japan when JLP came out, maybe being outside of Canada when it came out made a difference, but it *never* spoke to me the way a lot of women on here are describing, and frankly, a lot of 90s punk/rock/grunge irritated me - I loved (still do) wei

I’m pretty sure Beach Boys qualifies... (yes, I’m the one yelling at the various hosts on CBC2 who keep banging on about the so-called musical greats, like the Beatles and their crappy boomer man rock ilk).

I was 24 when JLP came out and I have always haaaated it - but I really dig grown up Alanis, I think she's underappreciated!!

Exact same boat!! I’m feeling twitchy intellectually and generally bored at work even though the file is kind of interesting, which is a bad sign since I’ve been back at work less than 2 months after my second (12 month - yay Canada) mat leave... I've always flirted with the PhD but was a bit traumatized after my MA

Well it helps that a lot of well known assholes make product that I wasn’t terribly fond of in the first place :) But a lot of the time no - or maybe it depends on whether the asshole/abuser in question has their face or name on the product. If it's an Allen or Jackson or a Spacey or Penn, it's hard to get past it...

And it displays a horrifying lack of empathy for those who’ve already contracted measles, as though they and their supposed insular little community are entirely to blame for their misfortune...

Pfft, my infectious diseases always go dormant when I leave the house, they just respect my community boundaries that way! #mymeaslesboo

Yes thank you, I’m well aware that there are multiplicities of assholes in the art-o-sphere of which I may not be aware. But I am aware of a lot, and yes, it does make me look at art differently when I know it’s been created by an asshole, nevermind an outright monster. And in fact I *don’t* think it’s incumbent on us,

In a lot of cases I can`t even separate after death. In the case of dead old white guy art in particular - most of the modern western canon is rife with assholes and sociopaths (Hemingway, Picasso, Fitzgerald, Conrad, Nabokov, you name it), and I`ve got no time for that :/

I did not have posters of famous people as a kid, but I did have one of Jackson for Thriller. I *loved* that album. But since I was a teenager and learned of the allegations, I can’t listen to his music anymore. I also think Woody Allen is shite (although to be fair I’ve always hated his “œuvre”), and can’t watch

It didn’t really take that long though, it’s all been percolating for years - as noted above, there was the Bashir interview, there was a Vanity Fair investigative piece, and tons of other stories over the years - and really high profile stuff too. But people have been invested in the myth of “MJ”, and confirmation

As an 8 year old I was in love with Thriller. As a teen, when these allegations started to come out, even as a relatively innocent kid who had never really been exposed to the evils of the world, he creeped.me.the.fuck.out. I do not understand the people who have spent literal decades defending this extremely

There are all kinds of fucked up responses to child sexual abuse percolating out in the wild - I know a guy, he’s smart and charming but he’s got some serious issues around sex and sexuality. He tried to argue that sexual abuse of boys is *worse* than for girls because boys aren’t *supposed* to be abused (I wasn’t

Well sure - in this particular iteration of “all” it’s about women, but I agree that there are sub-classifications of "all" that are composed of different elements based on ethnicity, religion, sex and sexuality, etc etc.

I did too - how shitty he was over the messy kitchen! Fucking take care of your family and your home then and clean it up yourself!

People forget that we’re primates, and that for many primates (us, chimps and orangutans for starters) parenting (and other behaviours, like monogamy) are learned, not instinctive. No human woman is actually a “mama bear”, at most we’re angry apes...