She’ll probably let Bannon do whatever the fuck he wants, so why would he risk being rendered “toothless” by experienced and committed professionals??
She’ll probably let Bannon do whatever the fuck he wants, so why would he risk being rendered “toothless” by experienced and committed professionals??
I’m an adult woman who no longer gets shit-faced, though I do enjoy an occasional “wine-high” (long weekend here I come!). But I will say that those teeny tiny solo cups are perfect for deluxe jello shooters (strawberry-cointreau, lime-limoncello, raspberry-lemon vodka).
Of course they could probably handle the cold, but getting to the point of holding Canada’s border (in a direct invasion through the north kinda scenario, in order to avoid going through/over Europe and the Atlantic) wouldn’t exactly be a walk in the park, nor really anything that’s going to give them much of an…
Well Detroit could sure use some of those good ol’ Canadian public services, that’s for sure (although we stiff First Nations and Inuit, especially in the North, we’re better at taking care of cities :/)
True, but they’d have to get everyone over the Arctic, or circumvent through Greenland, or even more absurdly, the northern Rockies - it’s kinda daunting and not really worth the effort, if my fellow Canadians will excuse the diss :)
Meh, we’ve got Manitoba and Saskatchewan, we’re good... :)
We don’t need guns. We have killaloa sunrise beaver tails, pulled pork poutine, maple bacon and awesome beer... You’re ours!
Meh, Kokanee’s ok, Quebec does better with the delicious micro-breweries though, as you’ll soon learn ;p
Yeah, I guess Michigan can come up too...
We don`t want Kansas, you`ll have better luck with a border state...
And Vermont has maple syrup I hear? We’ll have to teach everyone about proper cheddar and bacon though...
Pfft, I think you mean Franglais! The Russians have to get through Canada first, and while most of us won’t put up much of a fight, it’s a big fucking cold country...
Tsk, of course, I forgot about Alaska - of course Palin is NOT part of the deal...
Yeah most of that yellow territory is not terribly appealing. We’re more likely to get the border states, including Washington, Maine and New York - Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota are already pretty much Canada, just with more guns and militias - those’ll have to move south...
Ech, except a huge chunk of what could come to Canada would just reinforce our own racist nutjobs and actually give them some clout through sheer numbers, I don’t think we want it :/
Holy shit, I didn’t look at that one carefully enough - I thought it was about a toaster!
Ah the differences are subtle though - is the tip of the index finger nail touching the thumb to round out the shape, or are the pads of the fingers lightly pressed together, as though cradling a joint on a delicate but deep inhalation...?
Wow, that coffee one...
It’s making my morning - most people are like: who? when I say he’s forever on my “list” :)
Case in point (Olyphant + saggy jogging pants + stupid santa hat + goddamned Massive Attack = fuck yes...)