
This is true, but it is also true that many people who could be helped by anti-depressants refuse to take them because of the societal stigma against mental health problems which makes them feel they are weak and if they can’t just “buck up” and be stronger then they shouldn’t need meds. Pushing that line of thought

Being yelled at is not a reason to commit a felony.

Truly, this.  Without a gun, she still could have gotten all the yelling in that she wanted and not be seconds from killing someone.

I’m sorry, I missed the part where the black woman pulled a gun, or any weapon, can you please point me to the time code in the video where that happened? And from the video, it sure sounds as if the whole thing began when the white woman bumped into the 15 year old black girl and didn’t bother to say “excuse me” or

Former Marine here. Know what drawing a weapon on someone means?

“Please let us all try to be that voice of calm in the storm, and remember each one of us is a human being that deserves respect.”

I'm a runner. If I'm running through a crosswalk and a car cuts me off in the crosswalk, I'm definitely slapping the car (I'm kind of a dick like that. Also, give runners and pedestrians a break). By these standards, I should have a gun pulled on me roughly a dozen times a year. These people aren't willing to state

Some people seem to genuinely think that the right to bear arms includes permission to assault people with them. That’s not how it works.

I know you unread savages wish to justify, rationalize and excuse but...but...but

If she hadn’t been carrying a gun, she wouldn’t have reached for a gun to solve a dispute. Guns don’t make anything better, they make people’s bad moments worse.

Almost every day now there’s a news story about some Trumpian mouth breather losing their job for acting like . . . well . . . a Trumpian mouth breather. Do these assholes not watch the news?? When the fuck are they going to figure out that just because Captain Bankruptcy encourages something doesn’t mean you should

Oh, God, this scenario would make up for so much.

Any shred of hope I had that Republicans would do the right thing in the face of a severe national crisis evaporated when they refused to keep mask wearing from becoming a political issue instead of working to make it the public health issue that it is. Republicans are willing to let hundreds of thousands of Americans

This is Trump we’re talking about. He probably took out a loan using a shell company, and then immediately declared bankruptcy to avoid actually paying for it himself.

Nope. I think that the Trump crew is going to do what it can to destroy the country—or at least leave as much of it in literal smoldering ruins as they can.  Trump will want vengeance, and boy howdy, is Teh Base going to be surprised when they are not spared.

I like this, but can Prince shade the living shit out of Ivanka’s wardrobe first? It’s kind of a fantasy of mine.

I worry about this situation too, but I console myself with the idea that the Pentagon (which usually loves Republican presidents, but clearly hates this completely useless piece of shit) would just refuse to go with him. I would hope the SecDef would pull the old “I can’t see you; who are you?” routine, in keeping

Oh it’s all worrying. I think I’ve already accepted the hideous potential happenings around the election itself and the fact that it won’t be free and fair and that Trump will question the legitimacy before and during the election in the chance that he loses.

it could usher in even more incendiary campaign tactics between now and November.

Everybody needs to stop telling Tump to wear a mask and let nature run its course, sheesh!