
That’s fine, but there should also be a religious restriction on the products of these facts too.

What is the point of FAITH if you’re afraid of letting it be tested?

They think freeze peach means ‘I’m allowed to say whatever I want without criticism but you aren’t granted the same because I don’t like you.’

It’s the #4 that really gets me. Most of these people know damn well how all of these things are supposed to work, but then disingenuously twist the truth to claim victimhood and whip up their mobs into a frenzy

None of this. I think we need to be careful about what we allow people to “own” as theirs and theirs alone. I think dancing is specifically a slippery slope. This can lead to policing and penalizing how people move their own bodies. A dance move might seem pretty specific, but how do you draw the line to what people

Except I’ll ditto the Fuck Misogynist line. Compromising to them doesn’t make the situation any better and in fact makes it potential worse because it suggest their toxic platform has enough shred of legitimacy that a company will cater to them.

Give Caesar a rocket launcher and space lasers and you literally change the game. Have female generals... changes what? I mean you have a unit in the game that behaves like all other unit of the same class... but is female... holy fucking hell that makes it literally unplayable? Some of the armor/weapon in the game

“Splendid victory general! Now shall we retire to our tents and have orgasmic butt sex with the surviving men?”

+ 50 Morale

I am a long time regular on the official CA run Total War forum, and I am happy to say that the community there was largely baffled by the uproar. Also: some things to note: from what I have heard, the player who took the now infamous photo of the all female general recruitment pool admitted that he had spent the

I’m going to point out the part where your analogy proves the point of mods, and then you’re going to go ‘well they should do it anyways because blah blah blah’....but here we go.

Expecting historical accuracy in an argument about historical accuracy?  Surely you jest.

Here’s a handy list of women generals and war leaders from history that archaeology knows about. It’s likely that there are hundreds, or thousands, more that we’ll never know about. It’s entirely historically accurate to have women in charge of armies.

The next time someone gives me shit for not dating guys who play video games, I’m showing them this article. Jesus H. Christ.

Let’s be real they aren’t angry that women are female generals. They are angry because all women in the world rejected them so the more women they see the more angry they get. 

You’re absolutely right.

and that if these people weren’t OK with that, there are mods they can use to remove women entirely—or they can just play something else.

These guys are being emasculated by shapely polygons because they have authority inside a videogame. But yeah, feminism is why guys can’t get laid today.

Well, fortunately incels by definition are not breeding.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

Don’t you just wish all these people would die before breeding?