
I’d say this has merit if it wasn’t for a decade of absolute silence from Rockstar. Small tidbits could have been released by now to whet peoples appetite and keep them in the know without completely stonewalling them, but instead Rockstar decided to give the big F U to all of their customers and take them for granted.

Actually whats insane is sitting st your desk, getting inebriated and then playing with a gun like its a fucking toy. The fact that you and a couple of dozen people see this as no big deal is exactly the issue with firearms in this country. Folkss with absolutely no awareness of the gravity of the situation...

Um pretty sure F1 cars are topless. Im also pretty sure those are the ultimate track car.

Thank goodness, perhaps now I can delete it from Android and it’ll stop incessantly asking if it wants me to handle all of my conversations.

It’s hard to have a strong opinion on anything when you’re watching your children go hungry and you’re worried you’ll soon be sleeping outside.....

Hmmmm sounds like an immigrant... 

Im off the upgrade mill for awhile. Now that HDCP requires not only a new TV, but a new receiver and disc player everytime you upgrade...

Nawwww..just fuck that...

Yeah cause coal rolling dickweeds are always the epitome of social graces. Snob pot meet redneck kettle.

They hunted down 10 year olds copying an infinitely copyable set of 1s and 0s that played a song.....so yeah, if the **AA lawyers smell any money in it? Sue a 10 year old? Hell they’d shoot a 10 yar old if it meant a settlement in their favor. 

The majority of those SS guys on presidential detail were once Recon Marines. So yeah, I’d say they are better trained. 

Er.....NASA wants to freak out over a puff of marijuana? Scuse me if I’m wrong, but didn’t NASA crash land a martian lander cause no one caught feet instead of meters? Who exactly are you worried about being high NASA?

Really? You think they are going to lose out on money because of bad steam reviews because QQ "Too mny women in this game". Uhhh if anything thats going to sell MORE copies, have you seen Steam recently? Derp derp

You keep saying how ridiculous the whole thing is, then say there are bigger fish to fry, and you use those both in an argument about how they should have included the option so that everyone was happy.

I rated fair matches that I lost and unfair matches I won as a 2 star, unfair matches I lost as 1 star, and for a truly matched, deadline rush kinda match I’d rate it a 3 no matter who won. What people like is a fairly balanced game and not a rape which occurs, as near as I can tell, about 60-70% of the time.