Seriously considering taking some basic self-defense or boxing classes
Seriously considering taking some basic self-defense or boxing classes
A Choose-Your-Own Deflection story: if you don’t like the first excuse, we’ve got plenty more!
Nielsen would rather take the stage to dodge/defend taking children away from parents seeking asylum (doing so at places other than a port of entry is a misdemeanor civil case, BTW) rather than attending a United Nations hearing regarding Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery? Over four thousand people died and large…
Seriously considering taking some basic self-defense or boxing classes in the vague hopes that I will meet one of these ghouls in person one day and can show them the respect they deserve.
100% agree, and I would also add that Trump probably sees himself and KJU as similar because they were both blessed or anointed to be who they are. Their power and wealth came from Daddy - they were born into this, but to Trump I think he assumes that’s what makes him better than everyone else. And that’s what makes…
Even if he was “joking”, his “humor” clearly signals his state of mind. Look back to how he spoke about Duterte and his on going puppy love of Putin.
Came here to say the exact same thing. This is Trump at full transparency.
It should be added that shortly after he said his comment was sarcasm, which proves it definitely wasn’t since sociopaths don’t know what sarcasm is and just resort to saying that when people get upset with whatever horrible thing they said.
I don’t like this “my people” nonsense. I am not his person. Doesn’t he understand the whole point of this freedom concept we have going on? Oh, wait, this is the guy putting children in concentration camps...right.
What about all the times he’s talked about wanting to fuck his daughter?
“He speaks and his people stand up in attention,” he gleefully told Fox News on the White House lawn Friday morning. “I want my people to do the same.”
This is EXACTLY what I said the other day. From Trump’s perspective KJU is a huge success. He has money, power, and people love him on pain of death. That’s all a malignant narcissist wants.
Honestly, if a regular bomb went off in the conference room it would solve so many problems.
I think the sane half of America would likely join you at this point... I love this country but I can’t defend this shit.
I hope I’m long dead by the time the “Trump Doctrine” and the Hold My Beer, Watch This Accord are discussed in history books.
Let’s see how President Macron (best bud remember) sees it.