Harley Quinn

Apparently calling a white person racist is the equivalent of calling them a racial epitaph. Learned that on tumblr.

1. 2. &3. Eat a bowl full of dicks with extra dick cheese.

1. You’re STILL defending a SERIAL RAPIST.

1. Are you fucking kidding me??? You’re gonna defend Bill Cosby? The guy who’s settled several cases with various ‘accusers’ over the last *****30***** years???? The only reason he hasn’t been convicted in criminal court is due to the statute of limitations not a lack of evidence or guilt.

He’s defending a author who is defending a CONVICTED SERIAL RAPIST.

1. He’s been found guilty, and sentenced to 263 years.

HOW is defending the author of an article that is defending a SERIAL RAPIST not a problem for you or this idiot?

So you would be in favor of one-sided stories in favor of Bill Cosby? OJay Simpson? Dylann Roof? Donald Trump?

He’s not “Accused” he’s been convicted.

Thanks. I agree.

I don’t see why people don’t remember how annoying this girl is.

Where are you reading he “HAS TO RESIGN” He did that voluntarily.

Not to mention the NSA now clearly knows who both Superman and Supergirl are by their text msg history.....

THIS x infinity.

I’d hate to be part of the migration team that fucked this up. It’s probably not a good day.

Ya’ll condone any manner of fuckery as long as white people are doing it.

How he identifies is irrelevant to what he actually is.

How he identifies is irrelevant to what he actually is.

1. 2. & 3. You realize you just contradicted yourself right? In the SAME POST. Sequentially.

1. so how do you explain his white-supremacist views if he doesn’t identify with whiteness?