You thought bitch, you thought. #WatchWhitenessAtWork
You thought bitch, you thought. #WatchWhitenessAtWork
Oh and FYI
And clearly at fault right. #WhitenessStrikesAgain
Sooooo because I understand that murdering 13 people is wrong and should not be detracted from -regardless of mental illness or the relationship a person has with their mother -I’m an ignorant fool?
1. What does a having a “black” president have to do with this?
1. You have no idea what he’s “mixed” with
Why should I have to watch a movie to understand that this guy is a murderer???????
Does google not exist where you are?
1. You can’t compare the unfounded personal attacks on Shaun King to this Murderer being labeled a momma’s boy
#WhitenessAtWork. Guy kills 13 people and is referred to as a momma’s boy? #ForWhy
Better question is: why act like rich white people haven’t been traveling the world and wiping cultures out EN MASS for centuries. How are people ignoring that and acting like black vs. black violence is what is destroying civilization???
1. it’s Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, M.D.
Your SN literally has the word crazy in it AND OH, GUESS WHAT:
You’re a POS and that’s actually ON YOU.
Exactly... It would be one thing if the Sperm bank didn’t disclose a donors medical history or condition that hindered the development of a child, but being COMPENSATED because someone [unwantedly] ended up with a half-BLACK CHILD is the most racist shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
I wish her child didn’t have to live with that racist bullshit BUT I also feel that a refund doesn’t cut it when you’re given the wrong goddamn sperm for the express purpose of creating a new human being.
If you actually read my reply you’d know exactly why you are a shitbag.