Harland McFarland

Thinning the herd.

That’s very Marion Barry.

“Dipshit picks fight with pro athlete with repeated run-ins with the law, loses.”

I second this question.

Yes it is. Just not that part.

Additionally, it makes the business’s life easier when everyone pays in bills and change eventually needs to be provided. F this guy and his probably $2.50 Gatorades.

Kurlansky has had my ear (and eye) for a while. Great writer and researcher.

“And I’d do it again.”

Football’s answer to “affluenza”.

I’d laugh at this if that wasn’t the reaction to hitting and killing someone. That aside, when did diagonal parking become part of a driving test?

This is the best comment I have ever read.

Well, not that easy to hide.


Course judge.

Backwards countries? Is that supposed to be better than calling them Shitholes?

“I’m pretty sure he pays his caddie well, since no matter how far into the woods he hits the ball, it’s in the middle of the fairway when we get there,” says Pettersen.

Jesus Christ. It’s not like the Cubs winning the world series or anything.

Thank you.

Prize goes to this guy for thinking better of following him to calm him down.

What was Jema’s plan if her dad wanted seconds?