
I only cheat in single player games because I want to have fun, not get pounded into bloody mush. The few times I’ve played multiplayer games, it’s been without any cheats because I know it’s more about playing with other people.

I’ll add ... “In traffic, if I have a green light but leave the intersection open to prevent possible grid-lock, don’t be a dick and turn right into that space.” OMG this infuriates me more than just about anything while driving.

“Art is fire plus algebra.” That’s a quote credited to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Basically the idea is that in really great art—and, by extension, storytelling—there is an almost mathematical precision to decision-making. Yes, much of artistic expression is about feeling and emotion. But plugging that into a

The problem is he could have opted to say nothing.I doubt the Saudi government would have noticed. He chose to be out there with his intolerance  

Does anyone with hate-filled, intolerance-filled opinions/views have any good excuse to NOT just “live and let live”? “Love thy neighbor”? Just care about other people who aren’t your friends and family? Is that genuinely seen as BS by some people? Because that terrifies me. If I see someone in a horrible car wreck,

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

Agreed.  Being “religious” isn’t carte blanche to be a raging homophobic dickface ... no matter how many Americans would like it to be.

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,”

“WTF is this?” one person referencing Almalki’s comment asked FaZe Clan’s account. “I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.”

The fuck we do.

I have a hard time mustering the motivation to give my employer 10-15 hours of honest work a week out of the 40 I'm there

Start the post with “As a feminist, I believe the patriarchy must fall, and furthermore, the ablative shields on US ballistic reentry vehicles are made up of <incorrect guess at material makeup” and you’re gonna catch some people with access to that kind of information jumping in to correct you on all counts.

You know what you shouldn’t do?

Im 38 and work at a university. The idea of hanging out with and actually listening to a 23 year makes me want to hang myself. If you are in your 40s, pusuing a relationship of any kind with someone 20 years younger than you, you’re either a pervert or moron. Because, and I can’t state this enough, people in their 20s

I mean, okay. But at what point does “grooming” then mean nothing at all beyond just being manipulative?

I have no doubt this guy has an earned reputation for being a sleazeball, but a groomer? Literally all of the women in the breakout-series of accusations were 18 (or older? I think one was like 19?). Which, hate to break it to these women, means they were adults. There’s essays of stuff to say about his gross behavior

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

Every rule the FAA has has been written in blood. They are all the result of someone saying “just this once” and people ending up dead. Of all the agencies, they are the most acutely aware of just how many things can go wrong with even the smallest chance or fuck up. When they say no to something, they fucking mean

Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.