

Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.

IRL he uses his summons to do his work for him.

I did say if we “ignore air resistance.” However, I don’t think the air resistance component is that strong... it just makes the math more complicated

According to a Stanford Physics professor the terminal velocity of a GoPro is roughly 67mph (~30 m/s) after 3 seconds of free fall (ugh Kinja handles links really poor

SO what does NFT does better? WHat new NFt does?

Nah man you don’t get it man it’s like decentralized and shit, you know? Like, it’s like, there’s not like The Man telling us how to um...I mean shit it’s like decentralized dawg, know what I mean?

Jesus, eliminate the tips and raise driver wages by 18%. Then if your order is fucked up or late or missing, the app can deduct it from the restaurant or driver, depending on who’s at fault. Currently drivers are losing cash bc of restaurants messing up orders.

I’d much rather have this option available to people who are drunk/high than have them getting in their car and going to get food themselves.

You know pizza places like Domino’s and Pizza Hut used to have delivery fees, then they just dropped them and incorporated them into higher prices on the pizza, right? Because customers’ reactions to a $9.99 pizza + $1.50 delivery fee is much different than their reactions to an $11.49 pizza with “Free Delivery!!”

Customers and drivers arguing over who should pay what, meanwhile the actual services are sitting over here like “please don’t look this way”.

Not to indulge your particular brand of wankery, but it would probably be more appropriate to use “exposition-heavy”. “Expository” is an adjective.

The problem is you keep incorrectly assuming that I find it “unpalatable”. I don’t. I have problems with the writing. Those problems are obviously not so insurmountable that I stopped watching. I will watch episode 3, as well. Because there ARE things to enjoy in the show. Just not specific issues I have with the

The problem with Multiple Personality Disorder is that it doesn’t really exist. We’ve figured that out since its was written as canon into the comics. Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is its replacement terminology, is not so distinct. The DID diagnosis is pretty controversial because it’s an ongoing process, but

It’s interesting that you choose that old cliche. Because a lot of people who “can do” make for pretty shitty teachers! It turns out that some skills don’t translate 1:1. I’ve run into plenty of burned out film and TV people who try to get into teaching and get away with it for a while because colleges just *love* an

As highly as anyone else who has one?

I think you probably have something vis-a-vis avoiding exposition. That sounds right, especially as someone who teaches college kids screenwriting. Because they are also just absolutely terrified of doing something as “awful” as writing exposition.

What multiple personality disorder setup?

Personally, I feel like the longer they tease out the explanation for Steven’s former obliviousness to his other identity the less fucks I give about any of this. Characterization edging is bullshit. And why? So we can repeat the same goddam action beats from the pilot?

I don’t need my entertainments to be 100% brutal and scowly, but by ten minutes into the second episode I was INCREDIBLY tired of the Steven Grant personality. I hope he stays in the mirror.

Before people jump down my throat, I’m not saying famous pop artists today are not very talented.