
The whole piece is exhausting gibberish, and it will fully slip from my mind before dinnertime.

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

This is exactly what my 9 year old says on a school day when the bus is arriving in 5 minutes and he hasn’t gotten out of bed. Then he throws his Emoji the Movie branded pillow at me.

it’ll be curious if this is will be When Prophecy Fails situation where half the true believers gtfos, and the other half triples down. Following the RSI cult for the last decade(holy shit lmao) has been a very fun experience.

In a game dev on its first year or two into early access that might sound reasonable. On a game that has 10 years of development under its belt deliverables shifting at this point is proof they are not even capable of finalizing the feature set despite a decade. Its irresponsible, lazy and dishonest to blame customers

You want some dumb quotes/lies?

What white knights? I’m enjoying the game. I don’t give a shit what the metacritic is. I also never said everyone was liking it my whole drive to reply was because Serakai was such a douchey edge bro about how he said it.

nope, not even gonna watch.

This makes me sad. Jury duty is one of the most important life experiences we should all participate in. I understand if you truly have a hardship, but even if I had a hardship, I’d still do my best to do my duty. 

DO JURY DUTY!  then do Jury Nullification.

And the next article is telling people how to get out of voting?  Being on a jury is one of the most important things a citizen is called upon.

What are you doing in your life that’s so important you have to weasel out of jury duty? It’s actually pretty fun, even the boring cases. The bad part is sitting around waiting for them to bring you in for selection. Show me how to get out of that. Oh wait, they addressed that, now you just call in the night before.

This is my kind of petty.


I just fundamentally cannot understand the joy in this. 

Dilly dally shilly shally, amirite gamers?

The malaria simulator version of FC was fun too. 

Yeah, I’m infrequently delegated some resume-reading responsibilities, and even after a few dozen you start to pick up on some things. If your resume isn’t in chronological order, I’m going to assume you are a 5th dimensional creature that hasn’t quite picked up on this linear time thing. I will investigate. My

If you lose your job, immediately start your own company, doing something you want to do. That could be attempting to consult in your field, selling your artwork, whatever. But set up the LLC, and try to do something with it.