
What was the deal with her crystal necklace? They called attention to it repeatedly, but nothing ever came of it. It was like Chekov's gun not going off. I thought for sure it would do something important, it seemed implied it was a lightsaber crystal? Felt like something got lost in the editing.

He threatened to kill everyone in the whole city, so I guess he is just going to spend lots of time tracking down, chasing and killing any of the millions of inhabitants that try to move away.

What does Zoom do when he leaves the Zoomcave? Is he running around committing random crimes? Does he attend Legion of Doom meetings or something? Also, why does he still bother doing his silly monster voice when everyone knows who he is now?

Why would Flash's trip to Supergirl world only take a few seconds? Isn't the point of parallel universes that they are, you know, parallel? Time didn't stop when they went to Earth-2, why would it stop when he went to Supergirl's world?

Not sure that Soviet support for civil rights was done entirely for "less-than-noble reasons"; anti-racism had been an issue for communists going back to Marx's critiques of slavery during the Civil War. In America, you had Socialist leader (and Bernie Sanders' hero) Eugene Debs writing essays in favor of racial

Spoilers for every future episode:
"You have to run faster than you ever have."
"I don't think I can."
"You have to Barry. We believe in you"
"Ok." *runs faster than ever*
The End

I kinda wondered that too, expecting it to set the crossover up. I assume Supergirl will show it from her perspective, with Flash already in her world, she'll confront him, and he'll explain how he got there trying to get to Earth-2 or whatever. But given that a good chunk of the reason for the crossover is to get

So Punisher knows DD's identity now? I mean, they never came out and said as much, but he had to have seen him unmasked through his scope, right?

Yeah, plus the Joker is an interesting original character, and The Hand is the same orientalist mystic ninja thing that's been done a million times.

Also the Hand = the Foot and my mind = blown.

Why are all the characters still acting like Ronnie is for-sure dead from getting sucked into the singularity, even though they know Jay got sucked into the singularity in Earth-2 and just ended up in a different universe?

My best guess is that the story about Jay losing his powers trying to enhance his speed with drugs is true, but he eventually invents some super-speed drug that works yet turns him evil, making him Zoom. Then future Jay/Zoom goes back in time for some reason (maybe he needs his younger self's energy to stay alive),

Seemed like this episode was heavy on the queer undertones, even by the standards of superhero narratives. Not only did you have the bathhouse scene, the prison bromance of Ray and Mick, and the torture scene, but Jax and Stein's bond was a heavy part of the plot. Then you had Stein forced into merging with a lady,

How did Geomancer even know to go to STAR Labs? Bad security is one thing, but people just keep showing up there for no reason when the plot demands (like Jay at the beginning of the season, although this maybe makes sense if Jay is Zoom or an agent of Zoom).

When they were in Jitterbugs and everyone's metahuman detector watches went off because of Deathstorm and Killer Frost, I immediately wondered why Barry hadn't set them off (especially since he set off Iris-2's earlier).

"War is over if you want it" is a decent message? The message is that wars will stop if people don't want to fight them. Yep, John Lennon figured it out: wars don't happen for complex socio-political or economic reasons, they just happen because people want them! You don't have to fight against wars or the systems

Last week, Patty saw Caitlin take care of Wells-2 after she shot him. So now Patty's at a party with Caitlin, and this doesn't come up?

"You're all clear kid, now let's blow this thing and go home!"

A few random thoughts:

LOL a "trigger warning" for "Seth Meyers"? My sides! I'm glad someone finally has the courage to make jokes about trigger warnings on the internet. Abuse victims and other trauma survivors have been living the high life for too long, it's hilarious to finally see someone take them down a peg.