
Given that Reverse Flash has been way ahead of everyone all season, I'd say there are pretty good odds they are pulling a Dark Knight/Avengers/Skyfall-style "big bad allows themselves to get captured as part of elaborate plan" move.

That old "Don will become DB Cooper" theory we thought was a joke is looking more plausible than ever: Don stares at a plane, bugs out, then starts heading west and using fake names? Sure he still has to kill a year I suppose, perhaps he tries one more time to start again before finally getting on that flight? I'm

Did they ever really explain why Cisco remembers all that stuff from the alternate timeline? Does anyone else in the world remember? They keep dodging this, but it could be resolved with one throwaway line about how a people all over the city report dreaming of a tsunami or something.

Oh, and it has a funny scene where Foggy asks Matt why he looks beat up and Matt says "the first rule of Fight Club is I can't talk about Fight Club".

It has a lot more Matt-being-a-lawyer stuff, adding a subplot about defending a character played by Coolio and spending more time on Matt and Foggy investigating Kingpin. The fights are longer and more violent, particularly Bullseye vs Elektra. Elektra gets a bit more backstory also. Plus lots of little additions

No one should criticize artists or performers for saying sexist or racist stuff, because at least they aren't directly advocating extreme right-wing laws? That seems like a pretty low bar.

Husbands and Knives really bugged me, because it completely forgets about everything leading up Homer getting plastic surgery. Does Marge still own a line of successful gyms? How did Comic Book Guy get his store back? I know "everything resets to normal" plots are the Simpsons' bread and butter, but at least do us

So do you go to articles about road safety and malaria and write multiple long comments saying that you don't care about those issues and that wanting to do something about them is a waste of time? Or is it only LGBT issues that you so passionately "don't care" about?

Social Justice Warrior. It's what internet reactionaries call people who call them out, because fighting for social justice is apparently bad. Typical exchange:

The issue isn't really this particular instance. It
is kind of like when a rich guy gets away with a crime and people
complain about double-standards: they aren't just mad that a particular
rich guy could get away with a particular crime, they are mad that they
live in a society where rich people get away with crimes

As a bi guy and music nerd, I've done a fair bit of reading on Bowie. I'm pretty sure his supposed bisexuality in the 70s was mostly an affectation designed to scandalize and add to his general persona of transgressive "alien-ness." In other words, a publicity stunt. If you read any of his bios, they are full of

NBC: No Bisexuals Channel?

Ah, good old bi-erasure. I guess I shouldn't be surprised Goyer is involved, since he's the guy who turned Leonardo da Vinci, who was likely gay, into a total ladies man who experimented with a guy once out of curiosity.

There's some old joke, attributed to Kissinger of all people, that the arguments in academia are so vicious because the stakes are so small. I suspect a similar logic is behind all the passionate fighting over what is or isn't "punk."

Drug dealing: You're doing it wrong.

They'd have done ok this episode if Theon hadn't gone all Patty Hearst and/or if they had realized that axes work on dogs.

Right, didn't the Hound just explain LAST WEEK that even the greatest swordsman in the world is going to lose if he fights unprotected against guys with armor?

Now I'm not a badass Ironborn warrior or anything, but it seems to me that if I have an axe, and a guy 5 feet away from me announces he's going to send his dogs at me, then goes to unlock their cage, maybe that would be a good time to kill him? It'd be pretty difficult for Ramsay Snow to unlock a cage AND defend

Da Vinci's Demons is my biggest guilty pleasure. It's so melodramatic and ridiculously convoluted that it becomes sublime. What other show would have a naked evil Pope yell "kiss this ring" before
punching someone? Where else can we see a sexy Leonardo Da Vinci battle
Count Dracula, discover heliocentrism, and find