
Pedophilia is actually a diagnosable mental disease. It is considered such because it's believed that sexual attraction to adults, i.e. those with fully developed secondary gender characteristics, is hard-wired into humans as an evolutionary thing. There's no point to having sex with children because they aren't

Right? My thought would be, "someone stole this plumber's truck! and sent it to Syria! that seems like a lot of work, why not just steal trucks already in Syria? but terrorism isn't very logical. i guess it makes sense for terrorists to do illogical things like steal cars from very far away."

...carry on, then.

And this woman appears to be at least partially Asian.

As does this.

This looks like a woman of color to me.

"Screaming greasy ferrets" LOLOLOLOL

IDK, I'm pretty good at both. Especially if we're talking about cake. I can eat A LOT of cake.

I can't stop laughing at this.

Oh I wasn't thinking of something so gauche as a physical altercation. The horror. No, I was thinking more along the lines of an eating competition, or who can read the most books in the shortest period of time.

I usually love your comments, Adultosaur, but on this issue we gonna have to fight. I don't care for La Swift at all, but am a fervent pro-woman feminist on the verge of outright misandry.

I think there's a strong element of control and subjugation in it, too— children can trap women in relationships with men long after they want to leave for greener pastures by making women dependent on men for financial support and not wanting their kids to grow up in a "broken" home. Even if the woman can leave and

That woman's lips look like a prolapsed anus. Her implant scars are as prominent as ritual scarification, and WTF is scabbing up her pudenda?

I don't want to be an asshole, but one thing you wrote has me a little irritated: "how the system failed Lora".

Thank you for this. My biggest failing in my Buddhist practice is finding compassion and love for those who I judge to not deserve it.

Medicaid must be renewed/the need for it reaffirmed on an annual basis. It's an incredibly easy process: they send you a form, and you fill in "NO CHANGES" in each field, then mail it back in the SASE. If you do not send this form back, they will cancel it. They have made it as easy as possible, yet I bet this

Same... I once worked with a client who was over 20 but the size of a 6 year old, and naturally very skinny. I know for a fact he was fed very generously, but due to the profound nature of his disabilities, he was on a liquid diet, administered via feeding tube. People on liquid diets tend to be very thin, lacking in

I personally rather enjoy the euphemism of "low-information" for "pig ignorant". That brings the lolz.

This is more true than you know. The other day, I overheard my mother lamenting that I'd gone to college, or that anyone else goes, because— and this was said without irony— "the more people know, the more liberal they are!" She literally just equated ignorance with conservatism and didn't see anything tragic or

I can't judge. If I had 6 children, I'd leave the planet, not just the country.