TBH, it's not that much worse than the original-speed version.
He leaves me cold. Weird looking, awful hair, and their music is ghastly. Color me baffled.
That's not enough for them. EVERYone has to do things THEIR way or they get cranky.
Doubt it. That might make sense.
Dude, I am SO with you on this. I don't even believe any of this stuff is true, I'm Buddhist. If you're looking for continuity, you're not going to find it in Christianity. Predestination completely negates the entire concept of free will, i.e. the point of that sacred apple/snake deal back at the start. I'm just…
You've basically described both Calvinism and Jehovah's Witnessing in a nutshell.
Um, I writhe in discomfort at having to defend an anti-choice issue, but they're not worked up about her failing to produce children. They're the few anti-choicers that aren't *complete* hypocrites regarding their dogma on this issue.
I've been doing this for years, it's a great way to keep them separated and ever protected in the event of toiletry spillage.
That was fucking terrifying! Did any resolution ever come of that?
This is all so nauseating.
Guys try to kick random game. They just do.
I loathe the whole "princess" thing, so I think it's a terrible idea just because there are too many princesses already and we don't need any more. Barf.
Jesus. It's just crapping, people. Everyone does it. If a guy is going to be repulsed because you engage in an activity that LITERALLY EVERY ORGANISM ON THE PLANET does, then fuck him. Or don't, rather. Men who can't handle the fact that women might be normal mortals who need to crap don't deserve said women.
Bye, Felicia.
That "Play It Again, SAHM" pun name is making me stabby.
Edith does the best she can— not just the middle child, but the least fetching of the three girls, and the easiest target around when Mary wants to torment someone. All she ever wanted was some love and attention. It's caused her to make some poor choices, granted, but everyone does that, too.
Chivalry has less to do with opening doors than it does with being honest, loyal, principled, and trustworthy. *That* is the point and basis of chivalry: having certain ideals held sacred for their own sake, and dammit, you live by them even if it means being inconvenienced or doing without acquisition of pussy.