
LI is a great way to market yourself, especially if you can get recommendations from colleagues/peers. I put LI URLs on every resume I write (I do my own, of course, and many of my friends, most of whom I've helped get jobs due to my leet resume/LI profile no jutsu.

The producer of this song is a fucking god; I'm listening to this on shitty laptop speakers and somehow it's perfectly balanced, crisp but not tinny, deep but not muddy. Spectacular.

Samesies. My father isn't Italian, and I take after him in his frosty English reserve, touch-wise. I'm very happy to shake hands, thankyouverymuch, and that's about it. Every time Aunt Angie and Aunt Millie and Aunt Giovanna raced toward me with the intention of hugging and kissing me, I'd back up and hold out my hand

It sort of is, if you count affected urban dwellers who are so self-important yet self-unaware (and blind to the irony that they embrace) that they actually spend lots of time putting together outfits that will show how little they think of fashion and appearance.

My family has hoarded so many wooden hangers over the years that our closets are bursting, and we still won't get rid of any. They are our precioussssss. My favorites are the ooooooold ones from an ancient dry cleaners in the Bronx from back in '57.

Jesus, Debbie Harry does NOT look 69 years old.

And it still wasn't that good, sadly. Well, she's over 70, no one stays at their peak forever.

Couponing has to be done with a comprehension of how to "beat the system" because it can be done. Youhave to pair your coupons with when items go on sale in a store, at the right time of year when things go on sale. If pasta is usually $1.50 a box, and the store's got it on sale for 99c, and you have a coupon for 40c,

There are a lot of alternatives to buying multiple papers, such as simply asking people you know who do not coupon for their coupons. That works a treat, especially if you take the whole paper from them when they're done and offer to recycle it for them; most people hate the work of recycling papers.

Tedium, yes, but if you can't actually buy yourself food without engaging in tedium, then by god, you will do it. Time is cheap, and there's far more of it than money when you're poor.

Here, try this one:

Oh I had forgotten we were dealing with Texas. D'oh!

...if you think that people of color can't do crazy, crazy, CRAZY shit, my friend, you are wrong. Melanin is not an indication of sanity or capacity for lack thereof. People are people are crazy fucked up wackos are people, no matter their ethnicity.

Probably because he's clearly so completely whackadoodle that he's not legally competent and thus THAT level of punishment is inappropriate.

So basically, balanced emotional health is desireable. Never would have figured that one out by myself. :P

I didn't have your email to send it to; apologies for posting it in here.

I actually like her other songs, and was horrified and astonished to hear how awful Shake It Off is. I can only hope her subsequent releases are better, cuz ugh.

I use an Android phone. Can I just have the hottie in the photo?