
I was just going to write this— pain perdu as a recipe has existed for over 800 years, it was one of the French's favorite ways of using all the stale bread (the other was as sops (noun) — flat slabs, or 'trenchers', of bread were used as plates and would sop (verb) up the juices and sauce from their meal.


I enjoy the irony of it.

No. No, I do not remember that because after HTLAGITD I have boycotted her movies ever since. Her performance in that hideously stereotyped, misogynistic tripe plus her weird plasticky lipless face (she looks like Odo in Deep Space 9; on Rene Auberjonois it was fine cuz he was a fucking ALIEN but on a a normal human

Another thing you might like to add as a consideration is how paying off debt can affect your credit rating. I thought paying off the smaller of my student loans would be a boon to my credit rating, but it turns out that since the loan was 20 year old, and credit bureaus like old accounts/long histories, paying it off

IDK if I can forgive you for using Casablanca in the same sentence as something that is somehow *even worse* than HTLAGITD. I've never even heard of Alex & Emma before, but I googled, and it looks a right stinker. Do you think it's Kate Hudson's fault? I happen to think she's a dreadful actress, but it can't just be

Worst movie ever. Two loathsome, shallow, emotionally and morally vacant mannequins shambling their way through atrocious dialogue and trite premise. The last scene in particular is excruciating. Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughy should be ashamed they agreed to be in in; the screenplay writer(s) should commit

And someone to take care of sixty puppies, cuz that'll be a lot of shit to shovel.

Exactly this. You don't have to go to extremes and have all black, like our friend above, but if you figure out what "season" you are, then only buy clothes within that color range, pretty much everything will match, you'll save money and time, and life will be great. I've been doing this for over ten years and it's

Stay with your logic and rationality. When I was in my late 20's and early 30's, I was newly married, heady with newlywed LURVE and absolutely riddled with baby-making urges, which was a concerning and frankly horrifying thing because I'd ALWAYS been childfree up to that point.

If the child isn't being abused or neglected, and the problem is only when she's not with the child, there's really nothing you can do.

Beautifully put.

He has a face that just begs for smacking.

I would wear the fuck out of each and every one of these.

What a hodge-podge-y mess. They take things that have promise, like the beautiful teal chiffon, then ruin them with one-shouldered cavewoman cuts, then haphazardly gluing on the hair off troll dolls. Just horrible.

I had this same exact issue when I was your age, and like you, I was all passionate and determined to make a point. I tilted at every windmill I could find. Then I got old and tired and realized none of it matters a bit. Here's basically what you need to know to grow up atheist/non-Christian with overbearing Christian

"23% of American adults did not read a single book in 2013."

Samesies. I'm especially susceptible to Southern accents because I don't fight it as hard— I would LOVE to be able to have a Southern accent for real! But I've had to fight the New Yawk accent of my forebears all my life, and when I lived in Canada, the second I caught myself 'eh'ing I started wearing a rubber band on

Nah, this is "I want a preppy boyfriend", cuz I know heaps of white dudes, none of whom are Ivy League educated and would self-immolate before wearing those heinously preppy clothes.

My current job is the first time in YEARS I've gotten PTO, and my boss had to basically TELL me to actually use the PTO, because I forgot I had it.