
Groucho Marx always said, "I would never be in a club that would accept me as a member."

Right? I couldn't even take 4 years of marriage before I ran the fuck away. 72 years takes some damned dedication.

No, he was making a statement of fact. It's stupid and wrong, but in many parts of this country, misperceptions about people of color can repel whites.

I removed every bit of personal information from my FB profile, stopped posting links to anything, and don't click on anyone else's links and now I get no ads at all, because they've got nothing on me. MUHAHAHA.

Oh haha, okay, thanks! Yes, I love them so fiercely. The voice actor is terrific and really sells it.

Troof. Last year, I wanted to be anywhere but St. Pete, and now I'd kill the Pope to get back there.

Just in the interest of accuracy, it's entirely possible for short skinny people to be murderers. Get enough drugs into them, or make them angry/psychotic enough, and they can take down a good half-dozen people before they're subdued.

My friend calls 'em "cum gutters". Cuz he's classy like that.

Man, I miss those.

I am all for female empowerment. I myself am a well-upholstered woman, and support any and all appreciation for a wide variety of sizes and shapes.

...are you being sarcastic? (I view all compliments with deep suspicion)

The fewer children in my general vicinity the better, is my life's motto, so that would kind of be my goal from the jump.

Now playing

Maybe these will help? You may have seen them already, but when my day sucks and I just want to stick a straw in a bottle of gin and drink, drink, drink, I watch these videos and feel immeasurably better.

Au contraire, the looks on their faces would be the wind beneath my wings. But I'm kind of anti-social.

Never underestimate the power of Guidos who love their eggplant parm. Also, baba ghanoush is freaking awesome, and more and more popular as a) we get more Middle Eastern people moving here, and b) non-Arabic peoples discover and fall in love with it. Nom nom.

Sing it.

I wanted to, but I was new to the quilting circle (in our town of 700 people) and didn't want to get shunned by the normals. I was young and stupid, what can I say? :D

I lol'd so hard at your comment I went into a coughing fit.

Me too, I gave a tiny squee at that. Trunk hugs are the BEST.