Hard Journalist

Why can't you people just find a nice girl and settle down!?

Choosing the right militia these days can create a great deal of social anxiety. And don't get me started on picking out uniforms…

They came for our snark, and we said do they sell mens clothes where you bought that?

Yes, secession is proceeding on schedule.

Guy! Howya been!?

Today, on a very special episode of Different Strokes..

Rock it, MAN!

Well, in fairness, he did hurt his feelings.

FOX exec here! I like the cut of your jib, sailor! Stop by my office in the morning.

It's not right.

They are essentially the same, particularly as regards hair and tight knickers. One genre employs significantly more tongue.

And it was legal..

Spoiler alert: they had it.

Polka. It is all klasse!


There is some truly great disco out there. The arranging, strings, horns, awesome rhythm sections. Unfortunately, this was followed by a whole lot of epically bad music. The devolution persists..

Come on. Cool your jets. Meditate. Eat a hamburger..

Hello Lorne? Scrap that Rosie thing, OK? Yeah, me too, but the AV Club doesn't like it. Something, something bad taste. Don't I know it, Lorne! Can you imagine our good pal Rosie being associated with bad taste!? There's just no accounting for it!

There is no shame here, friend.

How about Rosie O'Donnell?