Hard Journalist

I'm glad to see that Spotify has decided to remove it's racially impure selections. This seems an excellent time to review the timeless rules of musical phrasing.

Global warming may accomplish that..

Buddy Rich did it the other way around!

The whole thing strikes me as one big flam.

Pop ate itself a long time time ago. Now it's wallowing in it's diseased pen, feeding on it's own excrement and spreading cultural hoof an mouth across an astonishingly dumb populace that laps it up without discernment. Sam Cooke, this is not!

I realize this is is no longer en vogue, but: this

It just occurred to me that the founder of "Amazon" is a short, bald dude..

Nor communications director..

.16 Farmer Ted.

How do you feel about tenor when you hear Coltrane?

Nice call. Sonny absolutely crushes it on 'Tatoo You'. Check out 'Slave' too, y'all.

No Scott LaFaro??

7/11/2017 Diary: I awake to a world where Donald Trump is president of America, the Cubs are champions of the world, and Carl Spackler is no longer considered funny.

Rock the Night, indeed…

FROM THE EDITOR: Hard Journalist gets confused from time to time. It's not your job to be as confused as him though, is it?

Greg Kihn is a muscial genius and I won't hear otherwise!

Hey 80's brats..
1) She blinded me with science - Thomas Dubley
2) Video killed the radio star - Buggles
3) Melt with you - Modern English
4) Twilight Zone - Golden Earring
5) Take on me - A-ha!
6) You take my breath away - Berlin (but not really!)
7) Our house (Madness)
8) Safety dance (Men without hats)
9) Life in a

Everyone knows, if you don’t want to seem desperate, but also don’t want to piss them off, wait 3 months to schedule.

It's funny, you know, if you use the back door they consider it trolling. I mean, a door's a door, right?

Thanks for this. Folks, if you need to remind yourself about what Ringo contributed not only to the Beatles, but to r&r, listen to Love Me Do (Andy White), and then listen to I Want to Hold Your Hand..