Hard-hearted Barbara Allen

My old posts are still not showing up. I didn’t have many, but I did like having access to them. Is there a way to fix this?

This is not Mail Robot. (Returns to "The Americans.)

This. Comic Jesse never killed anyone who didn't richly deserve it. He did hand out ass-whuppins pretty freely, but that was in character. This TV version hasn't a leg to stand on, and it's really robbed the character of his depth.

Gilgun is killing it, even with the slightly spotty accent. Been a fan since Misfits, when he almost made me forget Robert Sheehan. But you've really hit the nail on the head describing the show as a weird cover version. That is *exactly* the problem.

This. I do understand that things get changed - I didn't feel the very faithful Sin City film worked all that well, for example - but I just don't see what I loved in the series as being present in this version.

But the creators profess to be huge fans of the original, so…why? "Adaptations" often are different, and there are things that work on the page but don't do so well on the screen, but this really *doesn't* stay true to the characters. It does capture the mood, though, so I guess there's that.

I can't even imagine how they are going to handle that. They'll probably make TC and Jody look like saints.

I think we're on the same page here, in that I really am enjoying the show, it's just that the connection to the source material seems really slim. This is less an adaptation and more "inspired by", which is fine. I just feel it's being marketed as something it's not. Again, it's great to watch - enjoyable, original

Sort of like It Follows.

He's kind of a softie when it comes to kids. We've seen that both in the comics and in the backstory presented here.

I just don't understand how anyone who read and loved the graphic novel could come up with this show. I am enjoying it, and I get that it is its own thing, but the characters are so divorced from the original conception that it blows my mind. I don't see any real connection apart from a cynical attempt to tap into a

This. So much. I truly hope she is found safe and well.

Is Noah Taylor.

I don't think this season has been satisfying in the least. I think characters - especially Red - were sacrificed for cheap laughs, much as Kohan has done before in Weeds. Kohan really doesn't know how to handle serious matter. It's one thing to leaven drama with humour; another entirely to throw everything out the

He mentioned having a glass eye in the pilot, when he and Shadow were on the plane.

"Anonymous" did it for me.

So Jacobean.

That sounds about….right.

I'm not sure "funny" should be first on that list.

My kind of heaven.