Hard-hearted Barbara Allen

Mexican Walton Goggins :D

I had no idea that was the US attitude towards e-cigs. I used them to quit back in 2012, when living in the US, and no one seemed to have any idea what they even were, let alone attach a stigma to them (apart from the "ooo, cigarettes; must be bad").

Thank you again, Les, for sticking by us.

I *could not* watch that. Even the amazing Robert Carlyle couldn't keep me there.

Well, I still wouldn't call it horror. It's all over the place in a way that I found very enjoyable, though your mileage may vary. And Reynard is…well, he's a bit of a cipher. I hope it's not a spoiler to say that he isn't quite as villainous as he initially appears.

There is no horror here. And yes, it is excellent for bingeing.

Dammit, I will miss this show. Poo.

"Silas Weird Mitchell"

…and this is my Boomstick!


That's settled, then. Viewing shall ensue.

Let me know what you think. It is different from Grimm, and I am only an ep and a half in, but it looks good.

Us Grimmsters need to stick together. My legal viewing options are limited, as I'm in Europe, but I just started this Australian series called Glitch, which is so far promising.

Thanks - I will check it out. I'm a long-time lurker, and I know that you and Kumagoro have tastes very similar to my own. I always enjoy reading your comments, and really appreciated the way you kept the Grimm thread going when AVC stopped covering it.

Wondering as well. Very much hope not.

That's been on my to-watch list - it's good?

I just do not want this show to end. It's the best guilty pleasure I've had in a long, long time.

It is only the last season. Wouldn't be a hardship on them to do so.

Surely they missed out by *not* having a character named Allie Stevens turn out to be a Klaustreich?

See, that was definitely my first thought. It seems like a deliberate callback to the scene with Elizabeth and Betty. But then it came to me that this show never does quite what you expect it to, and this set-up might be a bit too predictable.