
Is having the "$" sign on the wrong side of a number really any worse than using an idiotic sentence like "Finish high school much?"

Just ordered one. We'll see if they honor it. Wouldn't mind having one, since the Kids are always stealing my Kindle Fire, I don't get to read on it as much as I want to.

Just ordered one. We'll see if they honor it. Wouldn't mind having one, since the Kids are always stealing my

I've tried slow and steady in races before. It turns out that FAST and steady does much better.

I had one of these bad boys on release day.

Pretty much. But it was the first dual core phone on the market, and as far as gimmicks go, it was kinda neat to pass my phone around and let people play with the 3D. But yeah, I was definitely buying into the hype coming from the original EVO. The phone was a massive disappointment.

This will be great for all the EVO 3D users waiting to upgrade.

yeah, that's the joke.

This is the best of Gizmodo to be sure.

"...don't shoot them at people" What? Thats pretty much why foam darts exist.

Was that first sentence meant to be read in Shatner's voice? Because I did.

That Kevlar helmet isn't designed to defeat rifle fire like that, so he is lucky indeed. The bullet must have been coming in at a pretty shallow angle.

Pretty good review. I use an iPhone 5s for work, that I am more or less happy with, and the larger 4.7" screen would fix my main complaint with my work phone. My personal phone though, is a Nexus 5, and I can't quite see myself giving up Android for iOS quite yet. Although I have been less interested in tinkering

so, did you really come here expecting to literally see the laws of physics being broken? I take it you are not familiar with hyperbole. Its actually pretty common on the internet, so you might want to Google it.

How edgy. Tell us about more popular things you don't like,

Turns out it was a giant waste of time, money, and American lives. Who knew? Well, I knew, but apparently no one else did.

or maybe your sarcasm went right over my head. The more I sit here the more I think that is a distinct possibility. :)

I'm not sure you really read what I wrote...

I think Buckeyballs are awesome. I have a set on my desk. Unfortunately I have small children at home, that love doing dumb things to jeopardize their own lives. So, instead of not letting any of you have Buckyballs at your homes, I just don't have Buckyballs in my home. Seems to be working out just fine,

obvious sarcasm is obvious. Derp.

I'm sure there are scores of Evo 3D and Optimus 3D users out there who are rejoicing that they can finally upgrade to a new phone. Right?