
well when you get hit 10-15 times per month, and each attack is 4-8 rounds, taking out 60-70% is helping quite a bit I'd say.

awesome. However, even if I wanted to spend the $$, I'm still gaming on a single 1080p monitor. Gonna need more monitors, better resolution to take advantage of much more than a $3-400 card or so. I am eying a 660ti to replace my 6870 when it releases.

actually, many of the mid grade cards in the $200 range are still not running Crysis on Ultra at the frame rates you'd expect. My $1000 PC I built two months ago runs around 30FPS on ultra :(

true, the $2-300 is where the battle is really being fought. Luckily, I'm gonna be overseas until October, so I no problem waiting for 660ti. I was really happy with my AMD 6870, but right now NVIDIA's drivers and suite is just way better

that's funny right there! We need a caption or 'shop contest

Thanks for a coherent response. I thought I may be looking at it wrong, but it still doesn't seem clearly explained to me. Maybe I'm just dumb lol.

I guess I had assumed that straightness was kind of an all or nothing thing. I'm not gay, or bi, nor have had any inclinations or thoughts toward it. I similarly assume that homosexuals, who are absolutely no attracted to the opposite sex would be a 1. I also wouldn't assume them to be a militant anti-breeder just

I identify myself as a 10, highly straight. How that somehow equates to being anti-gay is beyond me.

Ok, that explains fake. I don't see what homosexuality has to do with anything though. #trollpatrol

Because I need everyone to see how cool I am for having beats by Dre.

Are you stuck using a Motherboard with only 1 slot or something? This is far from the most performance you can get for the price, unless you are wanting a single slot solution.

I was looking forward to getting this on my laptop in time for my 6 month tour overseas starting in June. But oh yeah, no stable internet where I'm going :( Guess I will add that to the Christmas 2012 backlog.

Never happened to me personally, and in general, when an armored vehicle is traversing the FOB, you just let it go do its thing. But I suppose if I really needed to get a drivers attention, I'd get another vehicle to help me. As far as having the capability to force one to stop, lol, no way. We were the backup

of course, pulling someone over is pretty easy. In a perfect world though, PC to do a traffic stop, is not the same as PC to make a DUI arrest. I'll run through a what if scenario,

some states have passed or introduced bills to make it illegal, but thats not really the point. I was just correcting him and wanted to state that lying is not your right under the 5th amendment. Remaining silent and denying any wrongdoing are not the same thing.

The roadside breath tests, or preliminary breath tests are not accurate or admissible. I see from the article that he refused to take the real breath test back at the station. In most states, that is a separate offense, and punishable by losing your license for 1 year at a minimum.

Your 5th amendment right is to remain silent, not to lie. Your post is about 75% good advice, but 25% head scratching WTF. The breathalizer is the only piece of actual evidence no matter what. FST's aren;t proof of anything, just probable cause to make the arrest. At the end of the day, you fail the breathalizer

and a DUI lawyer has no incentive to lie right? Oh wait, its a sales pitch to get more $$ from DUI drivers looking to get out of owning up to their latest fuck ups.

All machines are fallible, but your post is still full of wrong. Police are required to give you an observation period before the breath test, nothing can go into or our of your mouth during that time, typically its at least 20 minutes. If you so much as spit, the observation period starts over.

There is no right to a lawyer before the breath test. If someone insisted on waiting for a lawyer, they would just be marked as a refusal, which carries its own penalties, often harsher than a single DUI.