
Right now NHTSA only recognizes and teaches the HGN, WAT and OLS tests. Those are the only 3 tests anyone in the US should be doing. The only time I would stop someone from performing all 3 tests is if they are just so drunk, that continuing to have them stand on the side of the road is obviously a danger to

Actually, I put on MSgt on on May 1st, just a few days away, and I hit 16 years in a few months. The point is, I never said I didn't know what to call myself, I said whatever you want to call me. I say whatever you want to call me because a lot of people, myself included, dont think of us as real cops, more like

i never wrote tickets on the FOB's, but I did pull people over if they pissed me off. Doing a traffic stop on an MRAP or Bradey is an interesting experience. Kinda hard to make a cautious officer safety minded approach ya know? Also, the MP's loved writing tickets on the FOB's before we got there and took over for

no, I think are better at Law Enforcement than Army MP's too :P Granted, we dont have as much drunken jackassery going on as a big Army post.

I'm a 3P071, I don't think using my AFSC or Security Forces would really convey to an average Giz reader the Law Enforcement side or what I do. I also don't call myself an MP, since the Air Force does not have MP's. How are you so fucking stupid is the real question?

That is your right. Implied consent only applies to the real breath test at the station. Of course you do not have a right to consult an attorney before you decide to take the breath test, and refusals typically carry harsher penalties than DUI's.

no, the physical tests are cannot be forced or coerced. Implied consent for testing only applies to breath testing.

I'm speaking for the military and Kansas personally, though I think its true everywhere in the US... Yes, the FST's are optional, and you can refuse to take them. The officer would then have to decide if he had enough probable cause to arrest you for DUI based on whatever led to the traffic stop in the first place.

well, no good answer to that, because everyone says they only had 1 or 2 no matter how much they've been drinking. I'll admit, if you do admit to having 1 or 2 drinks, you do run the risk of having your FST's evaluated a lot less leniantly. The only saving grace is, you likely wont be charged with a crime if you

Where I am from, you need to have probable cause to use the breathalizer, since the breathalizer is considered a search. Failing the tests gives that probable cause to use the machine. People can and do fail the tests and then blow zeroes, subjecting the officer to much ridicule.

Hey, this is relevant to my interests! I'm a cop( or whatever you want to call us) in the Air Force and have been certified by NHTSA to do these. Since Airmen are generally well behaved, I've *only* done 30 or 40 DUI's in the last 15 years. Not really a lot when you consider my off base counterparts can do that

We look for the onset of Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees, and then we look for nystagmus at maximum deviation (looking all the way to the side), and we look for smooth pursuit, or smooth eye tracking. Those are 3 three factors in the HGN test.

As stated below, it may have been a 20mm shell, which is almost more of a large machine gun round really. Also, you wouldn't believe some of the stuff WW2 vets brought home from the war.

I'm betting you are wrong. Being interested in gadgets and consumer tech, thankfully, does not mean being well versed in Facebook bullshit.

I'm still mostly satisfied with my 6870 card, Its not cutting edge, but along with the i3 has no trouble handling most anything I throw at it on high settings at 1080 resolutions.

So now the questions is, do I play on with my Dual core i3 2120 for another year and wait for a "tock", or get a discounted SB quad core, or get a new quad core IB. I am still perfectly satisfied with my i3's performance, despite everyone telling me its supposed to suck, so I'm gonna wait a few months and see how it

I'll be honest, he kind of annoyed me, but I always respected the fact that he at least came off as a legitimate gamer, my personal taste aside.

if a jet flies too slowly, not enough air passes over the wings, and they can lose lift, and "stall". Typically they'd need to nose down or throttle up and build up some speed to avoid crashing. Every type of plane has a different stall speed. That is an extremely simplified explanation, and I'm sure some is going

So, people are taking a break from the video game convention to play video games they brought with them? Wow, thats hardcore.

they can streamline all they want, they will never stop selling Evo's on Sprint.