
Why dont people play when the jackpot is only say, $100 million? Is that not a big enough pot of money to get people excited?

Since Win7 is the best windows yet, and I purchased my OEM version just a month ago, I will certainly stick with it for a year or two and get my $$ out of it/

weak. At least shoplift it from a store like a real man. That will show them.

I don't just play games in my house, so hat the fuck good does cable do me? I, like many others, often have to hit the road on business trips in the US and abroad and bring laptops, consoles or whatever. Me personally, I'm gone 4-5 months per year, and dont always have reliable internet on the road. I do have a

That has nothing to do with this list. My $700 PC can run all my favorite new games on high settings or better, and it looks and plays much better than on Xbox. There are plenty of reasons to prefer the simple plug and play of consoles, but some ridiculous $15k PC that absolutely no one would actually buy is not

my i5 2500k and 6870 with 8gb of ram agree with you. Still playing most everything on high and has at least another year or more, and even then just a video card upgrade and I'll be set.

Really? Thats like pricing out a new Ferrari and citing it as a reason that I can't afford a car.

I'm going to order this, because I want to support the idea of a game like this. Even though I may not play it all that much, it's still $$ well spent.

ok, I could buy that, but I doubt the traffic judge will give a fuck. These things are often driven less by public safety, and more by making money.

because you don't know what entrapment is? If he held up a sign with a phone number on it that said "call me", that would be entrapment.

Did I miss the Geraldo jokes? Oh, good lol, first thing I thought of too. funny thing is, I'm a 35 year old white guy in Kansas, and I wear hoodies as a light coat during almost the entire fall/winter/spring time. I didn't realize I was keeping it gangsta.

Glad I was too lazy to make a custom face. Just installed ME1 and 2 on my laptop to run through a new trilogy with a femshep for the first time. I may make a custom face just to make it feel more like its mine. I'm looking forward to making a few changes this time through.

so, the question is why aren't they? Its not because they hate us, its because they just make what sells. Hopefully the industry takes notice of games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout and takes that as a lesson that single player can sell. Or, they could just make an Elder Scrolls MMO and forget about single player

Even though I have crappy DSL, and it takes me about 10-12 hours to download one game, I am looking forward to less box and disc as well. At the end of the day, not having to worry about lost disc's and CD keys are worth the other aggravations. Now if we could just upgrade the US' internet broadband infrastructure.

You know what else has tons of buttons and hooks up to a PC or xbox? A keyboard...

quick, steal it! Oh wait, its free, cool.

I know, I agree with you, but we just have to go elsewhere for real PC hardware talk. Kotaku is primarily a console gaming site as far as I can tell. Besides, why would they waste the effort of reproducing the work that other sites do better?

1. this isn't [Tomshardware.com] 2. Mass Effect 3 is the new hotness, it is fairly popular in case you hadn't noticed. That means page hits. The usual Kotaku crowd does not want to see some benchmarks from Metro 2033.

So, the 120 hours of fun I had playing, ceases to have been fun?

go look at the internet to see what you missed?