I refer to myself as “a Jew” all the time, but if a non-Jew calls me a Jew rather than Jewish I would give them major sideeye.
I refer to myself as “a Jew” all the time, but if a non-Jew calls me a Jew rather than Jewish I would give them major sideeye.
This is far worse than a standard “I have an x friend” excuse. “One of our attorneys is a Jew” is like if she had defended against charges of racism by saying “one of our maids is a black.” Referring to people as “a Jew” rather than “Jewish” is a favorite of anti-Semites, and later is one of the most steretypical…
Don’t forget that along with Fox News, the other 2 media outlets who negotiated exclusive first looks at the Bannon-funded Clinton Cash were... The New York Times and Washington Post.
You weren’t watching the final episode of S2. It was just the episode before the winter hiatus. It is coming back in January for 5 more episodes.
Hi me please
Well it’s 30 minutes long so it has to be a comedy, right?
Do you not see the difference between asking someone out for dinner (which, if that person is your coworker, is still potentially harassment) and asking someone if you can pull your dick out?
I like Deval Patrick but he’s not well known at all outside of MA. He also went to work for Bain Capital (of Mitt Romney fame) after his governorship which... not gonna play well with Dems. I also don’t find him that charismatic at all and unfortunately that’s important. Elizabeth Warren has most of Hillary’s…
If you like mint soap but think most is too strong, look for soap made with spearmint rather than peppermint.
Trying to imagine what bank would let you use a car as collateral when you don’t actually own the car yet...
The issue is that before the 2011 OCR Dear Colleague letter, it was even WORSE for students who reported. There were no actual standards set by the Department of Ed, so your treatment varied widely based on the campus you attended.
Minor correction, the AG of TN dropped his threats to sue over DACA, so it was standing at 9 Attorneys General as of this morning.
This looks like cheap knockoff Magic Schoolbus and I’m not here for it.
My boyfriend and I saw Logan Lucky this weekend (thought it was pretty good) in an empty theater at a place we’ve gone to fairly often (cheapest tickets around). It’s kind of run down but I don’t mind, however this was the first time we ever sat in the specific theater. Instead of regular seats, it was full of…
Homeowners insurance won’t even rebuild a home after a flood, so yeah, FEMA’s necessary.
She is too focus grouped and media trained because women have to be. You might have enjoyed Hillary putting Donny in his place during a debate (I would’ve fucking loved it), but the media and plenty of people who don’t like her but “just can’t put their finger on why” would’ve called her an unhinged, unprofessional…
Don’t. It’s a bad sign and it’s unoriginal.
So many bad signs that people are LOLing about. “Boston only hates the Yankees” except it’s a really fucking racist city. “Not an avid protestor but c’mon” which is completely unoriginal and also fucking pathetic (so you can only be assed to protest when it’s literally Nazis and KKK? You won’t come out to protest…
Who do you expect to pay for the convention center? Who do you expect to pay to make sure that spaces are accessible to people of varying abilities (accessibility is expensive AF)?