hardcöre umlaut

Hate speech is protected in the US.

1. Don’t know 2. Yes 3. Hopefully not

It was "officially" in Cananda last season as well. When Alison & Donnie threw the money around in their underwear it was pretty clearly Canadian bills.

He’s one of only 2 GOP sens up for reelection next year. 2018 is going to be a referendum on Trump, and he’s telling people what they want to hear.

Not every issue is technology-dependent, and electing younger people is no guarantee of technological expertise (or at least a general level of being informed). That is what committee hearings, legislators meeting with experts, and even lobbying are for. Term limits will in no way help what you are arguing for.

Dems will only start winning Texas when people start voting more regularly. Demographic inevitability means shit when your voters are either apathetic or facing structural hurdles that make it harder to vote.

What I’m saying is that it there is a pro-choice candidate in the primary I will always vote for them. If the Dem in the general is pro-life I will vote for them too, because the alternative is a Republican who is pro-life AND ALSO horrible about literally everything else.

So you think a progressive Dem can win in your state? I don’t think they could win in mine. I would rather vote for someone who I agree with 80% of the time than someone I agree with 0% of the time.

All the women I know who read it are white Republicans so...

No, I don’t mean people who are personally pro-life but who would vote pro-choice. I mean people who run a campaign where they say they are going to protect life blah blah blah.

Well guess what, the two party system is here to stay, sorry. We live in a first-past-the-post system. Until we have ranked-choice voting and an end to the electoral college, we will have a two-party system. So pick the lesser of two evils like all the other grown-ups in the room.

Amen amen amen. This is a bad take from Stassa. We can’t expect to win if the only thing Democrats say about other Democrats is how bad those other Democrats suck.

And there is absolutely nothing happening in medicine, society or the larger understanding of human rights that could justify a change of party platform on bodily autonomy and reproductive justice

Why do you favor term limits for legislators? I think they are a bad idea. They will not limit the number of bad legislators elected. They will just limit the institutional knowledge (that is VERY valuable) of those who stick around.

Left wing people absolutely have talked about compromising on repro rights. Bernie Sanders himself said it, before catching so much flack that he backtracked (not surprising from a man who had previously called PP and NARAL “the establishment”). Throughout the 2016 primary and general elections, those of us who were

No reason to repeal other than it was made law under a black president.

I don’t really miss him though. Perhaps, free of The Daily Show, his “both sides”-ism will finally fade.

I moved away a while ago but once was back for the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It was 18 degrees out, I walked into Dunkins and ordered an iced coffee. Looked around and everyone else in there was drinking iced coffee. This, more than anything, was how I knew I was home.

Ossoff raised more money than Handel, but there was more Super PAC money spent on Handel’s side.
