hardcöre umlaut

? Symone Sanders has never held elected office and is also too young to legally be president. Not sure that arguing with Jeffrey Lord is a credential.

So we should just 2 swing states, Pennsylvania and Florida, decide the outcome of the entire election, is what you are saying.

Warren is not speaking to the Democratic base right now. Bernie’s voters are not the base. The base is older women, and Warren is currently focusing almost exclusively on white millenials.

I would hope for less than the GOP field last year (it was 17 at one point- way too many), but a good number of strong contenders.

She did. She talked about jobs more than anything else. It’s just that the media talked about emails and whatever stupid shit Trump was up to that day more.

The GOP didn’t even need this to blow a fatal hole in Bernie’s image. They had stacks of oppo research feet thick. They held it back because they didn’t need it during the primaries, but had he won the nom they would’ve unleashed a storm of shit.

The reason Donald Trump won the Republican primary is that is started with so many candidates. Several candidates split the non-Trump vote, while he rolled right through the early primaries with 30% of the vote.

I agree. A primary with more than 2 (but hopefully not 17!) would be great. And I would not like to see any of the 2016 candidates there, either.

Yes I know he gave the 2004 keynote. I know that now, since he was our president and we know a lot more about his history and life now. I also know that most people don’t remember who the fuck gave the keynote a year after the convention (I looked it up, it was Warren, and I don’t think she has as good a shot at the

And they need to primary people in the right places, where it will actually help move the party and country to the left. That is, not in fucking West Virginia.

WI and MI wouldn’t have mattered if she didn’t also win PA. She campaigned the fuck out of PA and still lost there. So I am not sure exactly what you think she should’ve done- spent even less time in PA, the state that was the lynchpin in her map?

The Rock is a Republican.

Exactly. In the past, the only time a new party has come to power is when they eventually basically took over and the old party went extinct.

But according to a new Bloomberg poll, there is a political figure who is even more unpopular: Hillary Clinton. This is the result of the Democratic Party’s existing strategy.

We don’t need a frontrunner at this point. At this point in 2005, who the fuck thought Obama would be the nominee 3 years later?

Exactly. It’s a system that, by design, discriminates against less-privileged college students.

Greek GPAs are generally on par or higher than the general student population, but that isn’t because going greek causes students to be better. It just means that greek orgs admit students (traditional, live on campus, higher SES, not first-gen) who have higher GPAs anyway.

I was just in a bar and we made the bartender turn to the local news so we could watch this, then cheered when the story came on. There is literally no on in Memphis who’s not talking about this and it’s AMAZING.

I’ve eaten here once and thought it was fine, nothing to write home about, but apparently lots of other sketchy info about their food is coming out now. They also just seem very sanctimonious, between the veganness and the “family” restaurant with their kids running around.  

This is why I love working for the government. We get paid shit, but we all KNOW how shit it is.