
"I didn't technically see it...."
-Roger Goodell, after poking both eyes out with a hot andiron

You didnt watch long enough

Let's not forget the young outlaw who shows his metal by skipping through the war zone. He's a serious threat.

Holy crap, I didn't think they'd actually do it.

There are already plenty of jagoffs in Alaska, like Sean Parnell.

Even Tony Romo and his dad hate being Cowboys fans

The plague? Really? Are they really so backwards and out if touch that they don't realize that the Bubonic Plague is pretty easy to treat and prevent outbreaks of nowadays? I mean hell, there are plague ridden rodents all over the US southwest and a few humans get it every year. Yet no pandemic.

We're all sorry.

Sorry for the delay in commenting. I opened this link and passed out.

Raysism: [passes out]

If you ask my uncle, the real sheep is the guy on the bike, who totally looks like one of them Obama apologists.

Si, Luigi go for-a the last game... What's-a the problem?