
I think the G2 is supposed to be running stock android when it launches like the Nexus One. I also think the first Droid didn't have the custom interface...which is interesting because that may be the best selling Android phone ever. You'd think that that would send a message to the manufacturers.

@Ian Logsdon: The way I see it in about 5 years (more or less...7 to play it safe) web apps will be almost indistinguishable from desktop apps. I believe this will be so because software developers right now want it to be that way and the emerging technologies are geared towards that goal. It'll help in stopping

@Ian Logsdon: I know what you are saying. Google's catering to those that want a laptop but don't really care about running local code (I don't think many of us fit in that category). They are trying to expand the market in a way akin to what Nintendo accomplished with the Wii.

@Ian Logsdon: in a few years you'll see why they are doing this.

@Nick Sweet: I like this idea; thanks for sharing.

@Altima NEO: I agree that the update process is tedious and is in serious need of an overhaul but when there's people over I just don't install the updates. When a game asks for a update you can press circle (to cancel the update) and play the game unpatched. Unless there is a required system update and you need to

I had this extension installed like for a month now. I installed CM6 on my Evo yesterday and when I looked in the market it wasn't there anymore. Now you say it is available for everyone?...Wasn't it available before?

@BeyondtheTech: I think the full-screen disclaimer was already there, remember that you had to first read the news about the hidden feature in a website, then go to the website that enabled the hack and actually enable it.

@Zonky: I actually think that's how they had it and Apple still didn't allow it. Some camera apps for Android have the same option (in the options menu, pardon the redundancy).

@Traveshamockery: It was meant to be an option. I have several camera apps for Android that have such option. First you have to enable it in the options menu. So I think that a customer who goes into the options menu in the camera app and decides to enable an option that says "use volume button to take picture"

@FrancesTheMute: Well...yeah...I guess? It's just a little piece of information for anyone who might be interested. No harm meant. Personally, I like both OSs so I wasn't trying to make Android sound superior if that's what you meant by your comment...though I keep reading it with Peter's voice and think you were

@BigManMalone: It's sad that you actually seem to believe what you said. You should know that as a consumer you have more rights than what you think.

Most of these things can be done on a stock Android phone.

They should at least just leave it alive even if they stop developing it. Leave it as it is!

@Noumenal: when you understand the fundamentals of what I said then we can have an honest discussion about the subject.

@Zordon: As I told @zzznowihate, at least for me the advantage was that I could have everything on one single place. Everything was supposed to always be there, organized and ready to be analyzed.

@zzznowihate: yeah google doc is great for collaborating in writing a document. I never used Wave for that although you could use it for that if you wanted.

@robo: exactly, these were innocent civilians. Kids and gown ups who had nothing to do with the war. It's messed up to think it's all right for a government to bomb the hell out of the civilians of some other government to end a war between governments.

@plazmatyk: exactly, they most certainly have enough money for that.

@zzznowihate: I agree with you. I use it as a research tool and for collaborative research or discussions with more than 2 persons. In those use cases its awesome. I'm really sad that Google is abandoning it so soon.