
@theaceplaya: Motorola said that they will ship the Xoom as a pure google experience. I'm willing to bet that most of the first batch of tablets will launch with Honeycomb mainly untouched since manufacturers won't have time to mess around with that much if they want to launch their devices soon (and also because it

If you really enjoy that filtering feature may I suggest you try out Claritty [claritty.com] It's a web app that offers filtering functionality and content embedding via embedly.

yeah, that was a joke...they probably have better reasons for not including it. It's a small notebook/netbook, sacrifices are almost always made on those keyboards.

@You: yup you can consume that with normal use any day but it's free after all.

@Goodplann: yup, I really liked the ending and the reason why I liked it so much was because anyone can come up with a plausible theory for what happened...and that's good! I for one didn't feel an urge to over analyze the movie trying to figure out what happened. Once I saw the ending I knew they were many plausible

@kellanpan: yup, I can definitely see that happening.

@kellanpan: I thought it was going to be better. I like the fact that it's basically the same as the stock keyboard now (with the mic and slide to change languages) but I don't feel that I'm typing faster. I actually would like it if the keyboard didn't show me that they were changing.

I don't get this, it's not as if you made up the coupon and are getting a discount against their will.

What about my6sense? It lets you browse by folders and you can also read Buzz and Twitter. I also find it the best looking of the bunch (although the bunch is very ugly on Android).

The Android app sucks more than the iPhone because Facebook and other developers simply didn't think it was a sound investment to spend resources on the Android platform. Android has seen unprecedented growth in less than year and that has surprised everyone from developers, reporters, users and even Google to some

@Charles Clift: For those of us who have an account in AppBrain and have the Fast Web Installer app it's much easier to just click on the link and install the app without interacting with our cellphones.

"But no matter what Tweetdeck developers say..." Yeah that makes sense, let's ignore what a developer, who has developed for both iOS and Android platforms, has to say about about one of those platforms and reach our own conclusion based on...based on, I don't what...based on my gut?

@brandonjp: yeah that's Docky...it branched off Gnome Do and they developed it as a standalone program.

@Shawn Wayne: He's using Docky which can be easily installed from the Ubuntu Software Center. You can also configure it to have up to four docks; My set-up has three docks, although two of them are set to autohide and the bottom one is set to "intellihide" which only hides itself when the window you are currently

@ericesque: I love Ubuntu's new look but calling that "on its own" is a bit misleading. You are using the Faenza icon set and Docky so that's not how Ubuntu looks like after a fresh install.

@alek2407: The article says it uses Qik and Yahoo Messenger. The picture in the article showing video chat is showing the Qik video chat interface. Qik is the same program that came bundled with the Evo which you can use for video chat and broadcast video live streams via the internet.

@albinobluesheep: you can also use Google Goggles for that too but Barcode Scanner is much faster since it's really just to scan stuff.

@reapur: Hey if you don't have a use for it don't wait for anybody to convince you. Just use a service if you have a need for it and not because everyone recommends it. I knew about it since it came out and just started using it recently but only because I've started creating lots of documents and have many