
it's a shame that Google is quitting on Wave so quickly. I know the tech will be alive and well in other services but everyone knew this was ahead of its time and it needed plenty of time to find its stride.

@Nipple Juice: Before iTunes musical notes didn't exist, everyone knows that.

" Sort of crazy to think a freaking crater could stay unknown and untouched for so long. " Just imagine how many things are still to be discovered on earth...and yet many believe we already know almost everything about it. Although at the rate we are destroying everything we may actually know everything of what will

when Jobs was having problems with his phone's data reception at the event, was he holding it the "wrong" way?

@BGR: because with this you can have a huge back catalog of tv shows On-Demand wherever you are in the US (as long as you have internet and don't live in Puerto Rico lol).

Can anyone explain why this isn't available in Puerto Rico?

@ralph the robot: because 3D still requires a TV...they just don't want you leaving the TV. As long as you are watching TV everything is fine, and if they have control of when you can watch something even better.

@zeroprime: kudos on a very well written post.

@KamWrex: at least with the evo they are taking it into account since the minimum plan fro Sprint is actually $69.99 and the chart lists it as $79.99 (which is what I'm paying without 4g :(

The Fight Lights Out feels laggy because it's not true one to one motion but gestured based instead. That's not the controller's fault since it has been demonstrated that Move can do some pretty accurate and virtually non laggy 1 to 1 motion but more of a design fault. It's really up to the developers to bring out

@hxczuner: it doesn't really look that big. Compare it to the controller in no. 4

the dude in No.5 looks likes he's enjoying the heck out of it!

@imdante: very cool, nice looking and still minimalistic.

@Insecur1tyGuard: bing's infinite scrolling is what makes it better for me (for images only).

@Tony Bullard Jr: yeah I don't like how movies look at higher frame rates. I saw a bit of Avatar and it felt like watching a videogame on the cg sequences. The life-action sequences looked as if they were shot with a camcorder, as you said.

@ipodrulz: I don't think it was HTML5 since I was able to play on my work's computer and over there they have crappy IE6; It did worked on the iPhone though so it wasn't flash either...or maybe it was HTML5 for the browsers that supported it and flash for the others.