
@danootz: whar model is your computer? I was able to fix the brightness problem on one laptop (toshiba t135).

It's also good to mention that each and every keyboard shortcut can be changed to whatever you want under SystemPreferencesKeyboard Shortcuts.

@soggy_cheerio: cool, thanks! I couldn't find a link to them but noticed that changing "full" to "vip.xml", in their main RSS link, will take you to it.

@talkingstove: so there's a VIP feed for each gawker site?

I just tried it out on Kotaku and Gizmodo and it's working. I didn't try it here since I just changed my old LH feed with the premium VIP feed.

Nice! thanks for this, it's also nice to see that at least some at gawker aren't happy with the decision to truncate RSS feeds. I visit Kotaku and Gizmodo a lot and never noticed them complaining about the decision.

what about the chemicals in the plastic leaching into the food? Neither the cooler or the sandwich bags were made with cooking in mind. If the plastic bowls that are labeled as "microwave safe" can leach chemicals into food imagine this.

@ac042186: the new features in google docs make its much much better. Remember to activate them in yout google docs settings!

@daveM7: I get you. I think they haven't done that because they want people to use wave in a different way than email instead of replacing it. From my experience with it I found it much better to use it for discussions, brain storming and idea sharing instead of the typical email conversations. Maybe they want it

@daveM7: you can now get emails on gmail whenever a wave you are participating on gets updated.

@Firesphere: I don't Ubuntu will mess up your boot. What would happen is if you install win7 after ubuntu then win7 will delete the grub menu. But if you already have win7 installed I don't think you'll have any problems.

@Lord_Data: "I have received" = "Yo he recibido" and "Yo recibía" = "I used to receive"

@Lord_Data: You really got a "C"? that wasn't bad at all actually. Only things you got wrong are that instead of 'recibía' it should read recibí, and instead of grado you should've said nota; grade is actually translated as grado but in this case you are referring to the grade you got in that class and in spanish that

@CaptJackDaniels: ok I tried it out and the current implementation sucks since, as you said, when you click on the minimized icon it shows you the tab previews instead of maximizing the browser.

@CaptJackDaniels: if you click it's supposed to take you to the latest tab and if you hover your mouse it shows you all opened tabs; at least that's how it worked in IE8 and Opera, I'll boot up my win7 partition to see how it's working on Chrome.

yup. that is some good advice. I just recently started carrying around a tiny notebook where I write every single idea that comes to mind; It's true that if you don't write it down you'll eventually forget it (or you'll remember it in a different way).

@jsmorley: it transfer every sort of file and has no problems streaming them. It requires almost no set-up and runs on every platform.

@jsmorley: have you tried ps3mediaserver? I like it more than tversity.

for those that still don't have Buzz in their Gmail accounts you can all go to [google.com] and click on the 'try buzz' button; that will take you to the gmail homepage and once you sign in you'll be able to use Buzz.