
@qtrim: if you turn it off then you won't be able to use it. This is for those that want to use it but don't want to clutter their inbox with Buzz messages.

"On Windows and Mac systems, the latest Boxee beta is relatively simple to install, as it uses the built-in video and audio systems to push out content. On Linux, it's a good deal more complex, but, then again, what on Linux isn't? "

"The iPad, much like the iPhone, is completely locked down." That's the main reason why I'm not interested on the iPad (well that and the lack of multitasking). I may be okay with that on an iPhone, PS3 or PSP but not on a device that so much resembles a laptop computer; I just can't get my mind around not having

@StupidSimple: how about they use this on a car's windshield like in Children of Men. I can also see some apps being developed that take into account the fact that you are looking through the screen. Anyway you can also make it not transparent as the author said.

@TennessEE: lol I was just going to post the exact same thing.

39 million xbox live members? I think that should read 39 million xbox 360s sold.

I did this for my girlfriend as an anniversary gift. It was haaard and a pain to edit on windows movie maker. I still have to do it again with a decent movie editing software because the end result wasn't what I had in mind...hopefully she still loved it though :)

@stephen.morrish: this is reply is a bit (very) late but still here it is...

@stephen.morrish: why would you want to have the bottom panel and the dock at the same time?

@Donalb: lol same thing happens to me! I hate low-res icons on appearing on the dock or Do. For that though you would have to change your icons...gnome-colors or humanoid are good choices...although I'm currently using the default icon theme since I'm not using OpenOffice that much.

@gregbzh: try it again...it was a hassle for me but I got it done. What I did was first put it under Docky and then maximize it from the corners. At first it didn't let me but then it did. You may also try using intellihide, resize your window and after that turn off intellihide.

@gregbzh: I see what's happening. It seems the window won't go under Docky when it's maximized. My tip for you is to unmaximize the window and then resize it yourself so that it takes the whole screen.

I was super skeptic when I first read the news of Docky going solo, but now after using it I think it was a very good choice. The multiple docks feature is a very neat idea and it runs smoother on its own. I also realized how much better it is to use gnome-do in its "classic" mode, especially for using its text mode.

@lordmuffin: when running inside gnome-do you can't have multiple docks or change themes as far as I'm concerned.

@gregbzh: right click on the docky icon (far-left), click on preferences and click the dock you want to configure, after that select "none" on the drop down menu besides the "autohide" option

@mikeeeman: indeed...although I don't think win7's taskbar won because of hype. I think it won because more people have used it since more people have windows but not necessarily because of hype since that implies it isn't that good when in fact it's a very good taskbar and a huge improvement over the old one.

@ericesque: yes because it's integrated with gnome-do. You can search, copy, paste, move or delete files with keyboard commands on the dock. You can upload pictures to flickr or imageshack, check your email, check your friend's tweets and update your tweeter status.

I'm pretty sure docky+gnome do would have gotten way more votes if more people had had the chance to use it. #dock

VOTE: Docky + Gnome-Do = best thing ever. #dock

can we convert this into a chrome app like with the gmail gadget? #googletasks