
@Warren Atwater: yeah not true at all. People are just being unrealistic. They just expect for Linux to work perfectly on every computer. Will I think that MS sucks because Windows 7 runs like crap on my Dell Inspiron 6000? Will I blame MS because I had to look for drivers for my sound card, media keys and wireless

I can agree that's it's indeed bloated but it still runs faster than Win7 on my laptop...much much faster.

@burnblue: When MS supports Ubuntu with Silverlight I'll use it.

silverlight requirement means I won't use it.

@Ian Renton: that's true. The author makes it seems as if gnome-shell is something people use when they have a less powerful pc but that's not true. Almost no one is using Gnome-Shell right now because it still hasn't been released and it's supposed to be a replacement for Compiz.

It must be said that Compiz can be set-up anyway you like. It could be configured to be very simple like spaces for mac or very fancy like in the video. You also don't need to have a super graphics card to run it. For example my Dell Inspiron 6000 can run Compiz just fine (I just disable the useless features) and

@badger500: you need to code for the cube to have 4 sides?? when was the last time you use Ubuntu? As of now you can set that with compiz configuration manager very easily.

The first requested feature, which I feel is the most important next to design, is already being worked on. In fact, we should see the beginning of the new "app centre" next month in Karmic.

@mclifford82: did you know that you don't have to enter a full address into the address bar to get to the website? For example in FF you can just type: "i want to be the guy" in the address bar and it'll take you to the game's website. If you type "lifehacker" it'll do the same.

@boo_radley32: yeah on the first pic Opera is winning but on the second pic its behind. Maybe they put the wrong names on the first one.

@TakoChimp: but why would he if he didn't pay for it? The free games are a refund of sorts.

@motang: check this out. [d0od.blogspot.com] If you select the qt4 version and select "use system color" under appearances, Opera will integrate your current gnome theme perfectly. I'm currently using new wave and it looks very nice, although it does look cool with dust and hanso too.

@loudambiance: I don't think that really bothers him since he uses quicksilver to open stuff. I'm using gnome-do for ubuntu and I hid all panels/icons since I access everything using the keyboard without clicking. Only icons that I have are in the docky interface and I have them because I like having at least

@WikzoDk: The plugins are there. I just used them...was there a problem with your installation.

"The big new thing is the analog clock option, which looks pretty nice and turns into an array of world times you selected when clicked on."

@jkrell: You can use gnome-do without compiz. What you can't use is its docky appearance. Although I use docky since it was released its because I like how it looks in the desktop and I can manage windows with it...but it is an awesome program without using docky. Since I started using it I've grown so accustomed