
Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).

I’ll be honest, the people leaving Jalopnik didn’t bother me too much because there are still some decent writers left and I honestly just pop in as a fairly mindless distraction from work. Had no real plans to change that and couldn’t really give a hoot about Spanefeller or hulk Hogan or whatever other garbage goes

It was an art project pop-up thing a few years ago. They mocked up a video rental store, but only stocked it with copies of Jerry Maguire. I’ll have to find a link to one of the stories about it.

When the Isle of Man TT organizers say something is dangerous, it’s really fucking dangerous.

Someone’s playing the long game. You know what a casket will cost 80 years from now?  Probably a lot!

It was a little large, but he’ll grow into it!

I think my brother has you beat. His drag race happened in the early 90's, involving a Ford Mustang II 4 cylinder with hatchback and T-tops (heavy), vs. a Geo Metro. They were heading up an incline from the traffic light and crested a hill. There was a law enforcement officer waiting, and he knew exactly what was

Kid’s gotta grow up and die sometime

This generation of Explorer is why so many older millennials spent years thinking a Honda Civic is a sports car. 

Idk man. I LOVED this generation Explorer when I was a college kid driving my friends’ mom’s car. It’s a fun little truck. 

I have some fond memories of being at a stop light on the way back from a high school basketball game, and three of us in our friend’s green 98 Explorer V6 “drag racing” our friends in a 1998 Honda CRV in the slowest stoplight race of all time. I think these both did 0-60 in like 10+ seconds.

When I was a kid, it was politely coined the bitch bump. I always thought it was because whoever got stuck with it would be bitching the whole time.

Yeah, and the lead photo was changed from what was clearly a Kia dealer to an AP photo of a less obvious brand. Was that due to feedback from Kia?

Was it some herb’s idea to make the headline more clickbaity?

Gotcha. I didn’t realize the importance of “on” vs “in”. Thanks for clarifying!

You may find yourself very conflicted when standing in front of one of these then:

He’d punish the electorate, first.

This is good Kinja.

Starred, unstarred, and starred again.